Sample Chapter
from its sleep.  He does not see rain.  In his world, clouds weep.  A single drop of mocha clings to a red stirrer with 'grave determination.' 
     As the lead character spends his mornings in the cafe, the stage is set for the emergence of a beautiful woman, who appears regularly at a nearby newsstand each morning, and captures his imagination.  His life suddenly takes on new meaning.  Will he approach her or will she remain a character in the play, that he watches from his window seat at the cafe?  He is excited at the prospect of meeting her.  The conclusion is as it was meant to be.  The patterns of everyday living are woven into a lifetime of meaningful past events that cannot be easily discarded.  Closer to perfect is a sensitive story of a young man who finds himself in a situation which no one can ever be fully prepared.  Readers will identify with his emotional struggle to find his place in life.
Click the picture to read a sample chapter from the novella Closer to perfect.
       Affectionate memories of enduring love are the essence of Closer to perfect, a novella length work by Justin Paul Fox.  Fox's prose flows like poetry, as the novella's lead character's life unfolds after a tragic loss.  In this book, everyday events are embodied in picturesque analogies, as its lead character must come to terms with the aftermath of the loss that has forever changed his life.  With an anonymous city as the backdrop, the lead character finds solace in the laissex-faire attitude of the big city.  One day when he happens to take shelter from the rain in a neighborhood cafe, he has found a cocoon that embraces him and gives him a comfortable identity with the pattern of city life.  A few welcoming snippets of conversation with a friendly waitress, and even a newspaper and a daily mocha with a sesame seed bagel, take on personalities as supporting players in the character's life, as Fox creates images with his colorful, unique writing style.  Fox does not sit on a chair.  He pulls the chair
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