Clockwork Alibi: Revolver has a different stat system than most online RPGs.  Most RPGs ask you to pick your own stats, usually by spreading out a set number of points across various categories.  We do things differently here.  Upon joining, you will be asked to write a history, personality evaluation, and a few other things about your character.  Based on what you write, the staff will give you a rating in each of these categories.  For instance, if your history shows that you were raised by a great marksman and taught how to shoot by him, we’ll give you a high dexterity rating.  If your character was raised by abusive parents who kept him tied up in the basement with a sack over his head, we’ll give you a low charisma rating.

These stats will change accordingly as you play.  If your character is able to talk a group of people into following him, his charisma will go up.  If your character asks a car salesman if he can take one for a test drive, then drives off, changes the plates, and never comes back, then his moral standards would go down, but his wit would go up.

This does not, however, mean that your character can reach god-like levels of perfection.  If you’ve got a strength rating of 1 and you try to pull a tree out by the roots, you won’t get more strength points; you’ll break your back.  If your speed rating is 1 and you try to outrun an Olympic tri-athlete, you’ll probably lose.  You’ve got to go along a natural progression in each stat, climbing or falling according to where you already are.

Make sense?  If not, ask me or a mod on the board for a better explanation.

Now, on with the categories:

Strength: If you plan on heavy lifting, breaking down doors, and hitting people with blunt objects, this is the stat to build.

Endurance: If you want to take a bullet and live or run for long periods of time, you want to build endurance.

Speed: Run faster than a speeding bullet, or crawl along slower than a snail in molasses.

Dexterity: From how accurately you shoot to how deftly you swing your sword, dexterity measures your deftness and hand/eye coordination.

Agility: Want to perform flips, kicks, and rolls? Make sure you’ve got high agility.

Intelligence: A measure of how much you know and how well you can memorize things.  Good for learning spells and picking up new skills.

Wit: A measure of how fast your character thinks, and how easily they can apply their knowledge to real world situations.

Charisma: Planning on leading troops into battle or gaining status as a political leader?  You’ve got to have charisma.

Luck: Do you want to be able to look down and see a $50 on the ground?  Do you want your one-in-ten chance of cutting the right wire to work?  Better hope that you’re lucky.

Sanity: Ever feel like the whole world is against you?  Do you hear voices?  Are you seeing things that aren’t there?  If you answered yes, than you could use a few more sanity points.

Moral standards: Are you a boy scout or a candidate for Pope?  If so, you must have high moral standards.







Basic Roleplay




