Co-Liaison2 of Area51
Liaison for Orion and Portal
goes "Under the Pen" of LadyWight

June 2000

Ja' Krinda, self-professed Klingon, mother of four, grandmother of five, current graduate student, Co-Liaison2, member of the F.A.C.L. ruling Triad, business owner on the web, and close friend and confidant to Pasha the cat. Well people, finally, over a steaming plate of grits and a mug of coffee, the infamous Ja' Krinda relaxed long enough to spill the beans about herself.

The Arsenal

The burning question we all have about Ja' Krinda is her power source. We often hear bits of pieces dropped by her during various discussions, but finally I was able to get the whole story on the power behind this woman. So here is the scoop: An Athlon 600 with a one Gb motherboard for speed, 256 megs of ram, three internal hard drives, and an internal zip drive. She wants her own server, uses Windows 98, possesses a PC cam, one touch 600x1200 scanner as well as software for her own postage, UPS and federal express. Now I know why I feel like I. m working with a calculator! (I hear that even NASA looks upon Ja' Krinda' s computer lab with something bordering on envy!)

The Klingon

Ja' Krinda is an ex-rebel who has carved out a niche for herself in this brave new world and knows exactly where she is at! In essence she is practical and logical which kind of fits with her Klingon philosophy. When asked why Klingons, Ja' Krinda replied,

"They have an unbridled passion for life, and although they are not as logic-oriented as Vulcans they respect power in individuals and respect women as equals. Even Vulcan women do not have as much respect as Klingon women do .....and never a Ferengi female !!!! lol"

Honour is to be earned just like any object or thing whereas Klingon honour is ascribed at birth and one must constantly prove they are due this respect. This goes back far before Kahless, when Klingons were still quite barbaric. But Kahless maintained the status and role of honour in the Klingon culture, and he maintained that concept of honour in Klingon traditions as it relates to identity and role to this day.

The Mother and Teacher

Ja' Krinda has four children: three daughters and one son. Michael, Melissa and Amye are all married and have five children between them. Her youngest daughter is 17 and still at home with Ja' Krinda.

Ja' Krinda believes that it is important to always give attention to our children and their exploits as they grow and learn about the "total" world around them. Pay attention to everything they say for what kids say are strong determinants of their own worldviews. To shape and mold them is never to deny their personal feelings and their right to express them. For, in the long run, society will bend. She believes that she has also teaches her children through example as she has grown and changed so much over the years, so they can take little bits here and there and apply it to their own lives.

The Student

Ja' Krinda holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in social sciences with an emphasis in the Middle East and a Minor in sociological theory and methodology. She has just one year to go before completing her Masters in history. When she completes her Masters, she plans to move to Dominica in the West Indies to teach at the Institute for Social Studies Research although she will continue her on line businesses.

Asked about her current  books on the go , she says she is working through four (yes four!) books on Critical Theory. Reading roster: she is a futurist with a strong sense of social history. For Ja' Krinda history is about people not dates, kings and military campaigns. She is a cultural relativist as taught by her historical heroes Marc Bloch, Fernand Braudel and Jean-Louis Flandrin.

The Philosopher

Ja'Krinda is not a feminist, but she believes in true equal rights. She believes that women of equal education and ability should be allowed as the same opportunity as men. Women have the arduous task of changing the world from the bottom up not the top down. Woman must integrate themselves into the gender-biased system to effect change from within. This is, perhaps why she also believes that the power brokers are not ready for a female President...yet. It is still a man's world.

(Of course I asked the question about believing in UFO's!! This is Area51 after all)

No, she believes that we are not alone in the universe. Quoting Carl Sagan, Ja'Krinda feels that it is only logical that there is sentient life out there. "If around a thousands suns there is only one life-bearing planet; and we know there are billions of suns...." Well the simple math is obvious."

Ja' Krinda believes that technology is the greatest thing to happen for humanity since Wonder bread. Computer technology makes thinks easier and less time consuming in the long run. Distance learning is catching hold in most universities and even in some high schools. Elementary schools have been using the computer for going on 10 years now for the kids to explore and expand their knowledge at a self-pace. It can only benefit us and in the next five years or so distance learning will be even more the norm than it is today. As she says, she now has access to libraries all over the world and this can only be a boon to humanity.

Her feelings and beliefs about the universe are not a thing she would dream of imposing on anyone though. She finds that some may consider it cranky or even weird and some just cannot assimilate such views. So for the most part it is private.

The Business Woman

Ja' Krinda, the Klingon, is a savvy Internet businesswoman by day. Her site, http://www.calantilles.com offers for sale Dominican Bay Rum Aftershave for men and Bay Rum Colognes, hot pepper sauces and salsas She has also recently started a new line of hot pepper sauces. Her other site offers web and graphics design.

The Cat

Ja' Krinda's cat is Pasha by name and Pasha by nature: Pasha being a title of importance in the Egyptian and Turkish cultures. Apparently, Pasha plays rough and has even been known to bit or scratch on occasion. Ja' Krinda feels she needs this as an outlet for her natural cat instincts.

The Celebrity

Okay, okay, I. ll admit it. I was impressed to hear her brother played with Gary Pucket and the Union Gap...guitar even.

The End

I enjoyed my visit to the many sides of Ja' Krinda's world but felt a little guilty as she had to take the bus back...I was even tempted to taste some of those grits on her plate!


Thanks Ja Krinda.


Check out her sites at:


