Christian & Cultural Audio-Visuals

Comprising CCA-V TV,

Cassette Classroom™,

Christian Media Standards Institute, and

CCA-V Multimedia Library and Branch Libraries





 Video Downloads

 Surplus Equipment (To give away - Free)

 Our Bookstores and Affiliates: [L&R Hartley Merchandising]



Christian & Cultural Audio-Visuals was born in 1985 from the need to establish a Christian Video Library. Back then the only video libraries in the part of Australia where we lived were at the local service stations. Typically, inside the door was located a small display of movies for hire - showing graphic pictures of half-naked persons, violence, etc., and encouraging a diminution of family values. We believed that the opportunity existed for Christian Bookstores to hire videos that encouraged healthy moral and family values.

We set about developing a criterion defining what was acceptable and what was not. We then found it almost impossible to obtain videos that matched our criterion. So we set about making our own. With borrowed buildings on a disused caravan park at the lakeside village of Eraring, NSW, we built a cluster of TV and audio recording studios. We trained volunteers and started the production of documentary, storyboard and music video and audio recordings. In 1987 we moved into a new multimedia facility based at Morisset, NSW.

Over the next few years the output from the studios was prolific, with an active team of skilled volunteers. Some of these volunteers worked during the day at a nearby Broadcast TV Studio.

Through a chain of branch libraries and a library subsidy scheme, CCA-V was instrumental in establishing Christian Video Libraries in Christian Bookstores across Australia and New Zealand, and also one each in Fiji and Malawi (South Africa).

CCA-V also founded the Christian Media Standards Institute to provide a censorship scheme specific to Christian media.

At 2:00 am on November 14, 1991 an electrical fault ignited a massive fire which completely destroyed our entire production facility at Morisset, along with most of the irreplaceable Recording Masters.

Our management team, headed by CCA-V founder Dr Lionel Hartley, looked back over our tremendous success and decided that we had fulfilled our original aim - having 'wholesome video' libraries in Christian Bookstores - and we chose not to re-build.

Surplus Equipment (To give away - Free)





Cassette Classroom™ is still producing audio material, especially for the sight impaired, and has been taken over by Red Range Radio.

CCA-V TV has a small recording facility in the Brother Mountains east of Glen Innes NSW and is currently involved in digitizing earlier recordings for future re-release on DVD. No new work is being undertaken at present excepting the transfer of books onto DVD or video and in-house work for L&R Hartley, Publishers. (Download Model Release Form - pdf 8k)



 Eraring Studios, 1985

 Eraring's first Control Room, 1985 (James at the controls)

 Eraring Studio 2 (A converted garage) 1986

 Robot Camera Dolly (designed & built by the founder).

  Mezzanine Control Room at Morisset Studio One, 1988

 Downstairs at Morisset Studio One, 1988

 Dr Hartley at one of the Morisset Studio's three Video Edit Suites, 1988

  Morisset Studio Video Duplicators, 1988

 Cassette Classroom™ Logo

  Telecine 70mm Screenshot

  Studio Test Pattern Screenshot


Contact - Email


DVDs/Videos from:

[The Hartley Film Foundation - Feature Film Making]

Click Here for the Guitar Made Easy Book

Video Downloads

See also L&R Hartley: Multimedia Merchandising - Books, CDs, Courses, Etc. Thousands of products - Stores in Australia, Canada, USA and UK


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