Whatever you do, don't do that to me
You got my heart under attack
You give me shivers down my back
D'ya have to walk the way you do?
I get weak just watchin' you
-Shania Twain

Klethe is the crown prince of Tandraia. May the gods help us. ::grins:: Klethe is the serious type of person and a cavalier. This also makes him a target for quite a few pranks and many people have tried to get him to laugh. Lina2 has come the closest, but still didn't succeed. ::chuckles:: Cameron has a lot of fun playing tricks on him and he gets help a lot too.

The largest of the Royal Family, Dillon stands about six foot six. He's a fighter and very good at it. He does not have the seriousness that his elder brother has, however. He's one you might actually find out playing football with the others. He's on my team!!!

The second serious brother, Draper is a ranger who is an expert with his bow. He spends most of his time away from the palace and out in the forest with the other rangers. The fact he's in the forest makes it really hard to play tricks on him though... unless you're more than an expert of that type of terrain... ::smiles innocently::

Trace is a diplomat and if you need a lawyer, he's the person to come to. You'll win. He has a silver tongue that has slipped through many situations and, though he stays at the palace, he's a dangerous foe to have. Thanks to Aphrodite, Trace is also immortal to keep him with his wife who is a vampire. There's also a trend with these princes. Set hates Jes, Delgeres doesn't like Klethe, and now Megiana hates Trace. They just love to piss off the greater gods.

Flynn is one of the two most picked on brothers of the family. He's a fighter as well though he remains in the nursery most of the time with his daughters. He's just fun to pick on cause he reacts so well. But it's harder to do now because of all the kids in the nursery. What a defense.

Jes, Jes, Jes. The cutest of the cute among the royal family. Jes is a thief.. oh excuse me.. "Information Gatherer" and is very skilled at his job. He's the Chief of Intelligence, which in itself is wrong. ::grins:: No, Jes isn't the second of the two most picked on brothers, but he's very close. If things keep up at this pace though, he'll get there fairly soon. Especially with me there!

Cameron is the second of the two most picked on brothers. ::chuckles:: He's also the prankster of the family and is always looking for a good practical joke to play on someone. He is also the only man I've ever heard of who said he was the one getting the cramps while his wife was in labor. ::grins:: My other self took advantage of his shocked mind at that time. Due to losing a lot of his memory lately, he's been busy retraining his fighting skills. I'll even be nice enough not to make another crack. I'm so generous.

Every man dies
Not every man truly lives


Be not afraid of greatness:
some are born great,
some achieve greatness
and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.
-William Shakespeare