Well I guess my lack of having to work for a god or goddess is gone. Oh well, no better goddess or god to work for. With all that I owe her, it's the only way I can think of to repay her.

Let’s leave some blue up above us
Let’s leave some green on the ground
It’s only ours to borrow
Let’s save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down


I was born to my mother Leto on the isle of Delos, along with my twin brother Apollo. I was the first born, taking little time and effort in my eagerness to meet the world. My brother however, gave our mother no end of trouble, taking nine days and nights to be born. With my mother's difficulties during his birth, I was needed to help her, and so I did so. Hence began my journey toward becoming a goddess of childbirth, among other things. When I was but three, my father Zeus asked me what gifts I might want. Without even taking a moment to think, I told him of my greatest desire...that of eternal virginity. I was granted this and I have not regretted it since. My brother and I have always been very close, although we do seem to be complete opposites in many ways. But I love him dearly, even though he would rather spend his time in less worthwhile pursuits than hunting and the like. He spends a lot of time acting like the men that I so detest and using his considerable charm upon women. I do wonder why I put up with his antics on occasion, but I know that it is our deep and abiding love and affection for each other that keeps me from pulling from him. I have had many adventures in my existence, and I do not feel like enumerating them all. And so I will merely comment on that which has been vital most recently.

It’s been only in the past few years that I have taken an interest in Tandraia and its people. One of my chief druidesses, Chandal, was thrown into the goings on there and since I take care of my own, I started to get involved. Chandal had always had difficulties because of her extreme attractiveness and so I had taken special care of her. Many men will try to exploit such things and use them to their own advantage. And many did. It was because of how badly she was treated and how melancholy such things made her that I broke all of my beliefs and tenets and allowed her to marry. Prince Jes was the only thing that would light up her eyes and truly make her happy. And so I allowed the marriage to take place without my customary stripping of druidic powers. And it truly has made her a more happy person. Something I never would have guessed, especially considering the prince’s past exploits. But I must admit that I do have some slight admiration for the man. And when things with Set and his allies came to a head, I decided to keep a close watch, especially considering Set’s hatred for Prince Jes. When Chandal was captured by Set and used against Jes, I knew that I would not be standing idly by and not doing anything anymore. I have done a few things so far, but I plan on taking a more active hand in things along with my brother Apollo. The side of evil has taken things way out of balance and that cannot be allowed to continue for long. It may not look like we are doing much, but right now we are biding our time and taking what victories we can. And once we see our opportunity for the big ones, be assured that we shall be striking hard and fast. And then perhaps our power and dedication will not be so questioned by those who might scoff at us.

It is the crystal-clear being whose roots are still hidden in animal nature; the childlike-simple, yet unpredictable one; sweet lovability and diamond hardness....She is the dancer and huntress, who takes the bear cub on her lap and runs races with the deer, death-bringing when she bends her bow, strange and unapproachable, like untamed nature, who is yet, like nature, wholly magic, living impulse, and sparkling beauty
-Walter Otto

I was led by the willow,
I was haunted by the pool;
In the sunlit shallow
You shone white as wool;

You glowed alabaster
In the shadows of the stream;
The hounds of disaster
Bayed through dream.

Vase of light adored,
O the haughty throat,
Beauty like a sword
As you smote!

Glory unreturning-
Your eyes were so
Blazing, burning
On the foe.

I forget the legend,
I forget the pain;
The silvered sedge-end
Is the same

Then beauty beyond bearing,
On an instant of amaze;
All the goddess flaring
From your gaze....
-William Rose Benét

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