Commission internationale permanente d'études des ordres de chevalerie 

International commission for orders of chivalry 

Comisión internacional permanente para las órdenes de caballería 

Commissione internazionale permanente per lo studio degli ordini cavallereschi 





As we enter the 21st Century, we are presented with many concerns and problems that has been brought into existence due to a variety of technological advances. Advances, which at times seem to boggle the mind and leave us wanting a simpler existence. Perhaps, as we daydream, we seek a time where there were clear cut guidelines as to right and wrong. As we enter this brave new world of the new millennium we envision or at least hope for a time where society as a whole will strive for nobility of purpose.

This site is written for those individuals who are drawn toward concepts of knighthood, chivalry and nobility -- concepts which has allowed the legend of King Authur and the Knights of the Roundtable to have existed for nearly 1,500 years. Many in the United States think – but they are wrong - of the word noble as having the connotattion of aristocracy or toward the concept of one class of people being superior to another. In actuality, the word in it purest sense refers to a “state of being”. According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word noble derives its existence from the ‘Middle English nobilite, from Middle French nobilité, particulary from Latin nobilitat-, nobilitas, from nobilis meaning the quality or state of being noble in character, quality, or rank.”

Myth of Chivalry

Likewise according to catalan Ramon Llull a long time ago there was an age when “loyalty, solidarity, truth and justice disappeared in the world”, thus “disloyalty, enmity, outrage and falsity spread, causing error and perturbation among the people of God”. So it was necessary to restore the lost justice “through fear”. For this purpose “people was divided into thousands, and from every thousand one was selected who distinguished himself from others for his kindness, loyalty, wisdom, strength”. This man, characterized for nobility, courage, tenacity and devotedness to his own principles of unlimited generosity, was named knight. In this way the great studious explains the mytical origins of the phenomenon in his “Libre del Orde de Caballeria” (The Book of the Order of Chivalry) about 1275.

The myth of Chivalry continued through the heroine Jenne d’Arc; more later with Matteo Maria Boiardo who revives the ideal of the knight fearless and blameless in the figure of the Paladin Orlando; and again Ariosto wrote of the chivalric myth with his “Orlando Furioso” and also Miguel de Cervantes with “Don Qujote”,  Francois Rabelais in "Pantaguel” and "Gargantua”, and Edmond Rostand in "Cyrano de Bergerac”. In conclusion chivalry represented the most illustrious event of the European history between the establishment of Christianity and the French Revolution, and still today it continues its way into the 3rd Millennium referring to the pursuit of the ideal in human behavior… It is, therefore, the purpose of this site to present the students with the historical, philosophical, sociological, and finally psychological ramifications of chivalry, knighthood and nobility. Chivalry on this website will relate to “the qualities of the ideal knight: chivalrous conduct.

Defining Chivalry

The word chivalry must be defined as the system of knighthood and its practices, encompassing the spirit of the “ideal” knight. Chivalry must be marked by practices of honor, courtesy, and generosity and is most often associated with courtesy toward women.

Associazione Insigniti Onorificenze Cavalleresche



Pay attention about selfstyled orders! 

See: Guy Stair Sainty "The Self-Styled Orders"



STATEMENT ON THE CASE MAC CARTHY MÓR by Dr. Pier Felice degli Uberti