Stuff to DL about DR

what the title says, not ready yet, but will have like:
-Map of 5 provinces(which is also in DR pics section)
-the really old DR beginer's guide from Simu
-Maps, maps and maps, my own and others(mostly others, w/credit given too!)
-Power's old guides, yeah Big book 1-3, the Trilogy, and Bigbook2
-serveral versions, maybe of documents, txt.,wpd.,doc., etc..
-skill calculators
-might make books out of my critter list and battle tactics pages
-songs, stories, etc.. written by me and others(Meanne had some great stuff but she lost it)
-anything else i dub Worthy of being on thie page(does that mean porn? SMUT!)

Stuff Currently available to DL:
*Map of 5 provinces of Elanthia
*Big Book of Stuff 1.a(revised edition) txt. file
*Big Book of Stuff 1(html version) don't have to DL to view
*Big Book of Stuff Trilogy(collected works, and revised) doc. file
*Wares from the Web-Fest made by Qip, a doc. file
*Title List made by Moker
*True Tales: Hesarius's Time Travels
*Map of Elanthia from Hero's Journey

the pics on this page will probally need to be either 'save as file'(cause of size) or just 'save'the pic when you get it or just 'save target as' if you want, and I extremely suggest using 'save target as'(you right click on link if you don't know how to do it) for the .DOC files, because it loads Word in you webpage which causes tons of slow-down
