Chakat Firefur's NEW Home Page!
Well all, after about nearly a year I'd say of no real updates, it's time for me to start considering an overhaul : ) I would very much like ideas on this, or coments, or even flames on my old site set up. =~_^= 

Please e-mail me at Or leave a post in my guest book, please spend the time to help me make this site kick tail! : )
Warning: Adult Material Ahead.
From this point on, you may encounter differing levels of 'adult' material.Ranging anywhere from PG-XXX, of course, PG-13, R, NC-17 (X) included, for anything from sugestive nature, violence, crude langague, or adult (sexualy explicit) material. If you click on the link below, you agree that you understand this, are of leagal age, and of consenting agreement.
I will not be held responsible.

Now that that's over, here's the link.
My old site (yes it's still there ^_~ : Home