The Sandman Original Script

In Joel Eisner's 1986 book, The Official Batman Batbook, there is an interview with Ellis St. Joseph, who wrote the original script upon which The Sandman Cometh/A Stitch in Time was based. In the interview, St. Joseph reveals there were more than the usual number of changes between his script and the story as filmed.

When I wrote it, I tried to think of what parody to use. I have always been fascinated by the German expressionist films and, in particular, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. So, I thought of doing a Batman version of Caligari, and that is what it is. When I handed it in very quickly, I got a letter from Bill Dozier. It said: 'Dear Ellis, I want to congratulate you on writing the best "Batman" script of the series.' He said some very, very flattering things about it. Then the next paragraph was, 'As far as I'm concerned, from now on you can work at this studio for the rest of your life. Thanks and Best Wishes, Bill.'
. . .
The next news was horrendous. I didn't hear from Bill, but I learned from other people that they had a commitment with the Catwoman and they didn't know how to use her. Obviously, they had to use her (I wish they had used her on another script), so they gave my script to the story editor, Charles Hoffman, and he combined the Catwoman with my version of Dr. Caligari . . .
St. Joseph also reveals that Robert Morley had agreed to play the part of the Sandman (not King Tut as erroneously reported in TV Guide), but refused when Catwoman was added to the story.

Hoffman's revised teleplay wasn't entirely without merit. Catwoman being served by three female henchpeople (with no male thugs in sight), the character of Policewoman Mooney and Catwoman's Amazing Maze deathtrap were notable story elements. Still, one has to wonder what the original, "best 'Batman' script of the series" was like.

Sparing no expense, I have obtained a copy of the original script, dated June 13, 1966 (the story was first broadcast December 28 and 29, 1966 - yes, they showed first run episodes during the holidays back then!) Here are just some of the notable differences between St. Joseph's original story and the episodes as broadcast:

Some of these elements are taken almost directly from the 1919 film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. This is one silent film that is not at all dated and is certainly worth your effort to try and see. Mr. Deathtrap and I have attempted to incorporate some of St. Joseph's unused ideas into this week's original story, while still being faithful to what was telecast.

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