
       “Five minutes, Isabelle,” came the call with a knock on my door.
      “Thank you,” I replied, gazing into the mirror to make one final check, twisting a curl on my wig back into place.
      **Another night you waste your voice, another night when you could do so much more.**
      I stiffened at the voice’s insult.  For nearly three months I had been hearing it, ever since I joined the New York company of Phantom as Christine.  It haunted me, taunting and mocking, and I despised it.  I loved working on Broadway and I was truly enjoying playing Christine, but I was growing weary of the voice.  I knew I wasn’t going crazy, I wasn’t!  Though there really was no other explanation, no other reason to hear the constant insults.  Perhaps I was taking my character too seriously….
      I stood and as I left the voice tossed one last comment, **You can do better than this.**

      I slipped out of the wedding dress and pulled on my robe.  At least I’d had a good performance, but it was getting harder to ignore the voice, it was starting to make me doubt myself.  I went up to my dressing room and, of course, it greeted me with another scathing remark.
      **Mediocre, at best, a waste of talent.**
      At that moment Martin, my long-standing, oh-so-patient wonderfully supportive and extremely rich, boyfriend came in, sparing me anymore of the voice.
      “Hello, darling,” he called out, coming over to kiss me.
      “Are we still going out?” I asked hopefully.
      He nodded, “Of course, but first I wanted to bring you these, you had left them at the beach house.”  And he handed me a beautiful pearl necklace.  I would like to point out two things: one, he has a house in the Hamptons, gorgeous, and two, I had left my pearls there, my fake ones, he’d just handed me a string of absolutely real ones with a diamond set in the clasp.  Did I mention he’s positively the sweetest too?
      “I’ll go and bring the car around, meet you our side in…?”
      “Twenty minutes,” I replied and with a smile he left.
      The voice tsked at me, **He is not worthy of you.**
      Gritting my teeth I remained silent, quickly dressed, and left.  As I walked out it suddenly occurred to me that I only heard the voice in my dressing room.  I pushed the thought aside, that was just a little to weird for me.
On to the Overture