The Next Cataclysm on this Planet, Our Home,
is being Triggered by
The Progression has already been established.
There are Three Fundamental Forces which Interact within the Human Genome to Guarantee the Survival of Humanity in the event of a
The First of these Forces is that which I like to call the
Conception Force.
The Conception of any Entity can only take place if all of the Information required to form that Entity, is present.

Thus the First Force is that: the Information, Knowledge, the Word, the Consciousness, the Creator.
The Second of these Forces is that which I like to call the
Fertility Force.
This Second Force is the one which Measures Information and Governs whether an Entity has the required Information to be Formed or Created.
The Third Force is that which titles itself the
God Force.
This Force is that which is perceived as Power and Dominance and Desire to Govern others.
Each of these Forces is Monitored by Another and if One becomes excessively influential, then another is Accelarated or Retarded to Realign the Balance.
For Example: The Second Force is Governed by the Existance of a Balanced availability of the First Force.

If the Third Force is permitted to Polarise or Manipulate the availability of Information,
Then the Second Force is Activated to starve that Third Force of Fertility.
Thus the Third Force is eventually stripped of it's perceived Authority
and Balance is Restored.

The Resultant Cataclysm is measured in Intencity by the the level of Resistance that the Third Force has been able to create during it's period of Authority.

This Resultant Cataclysm is also measured by the Dimension of the Population Base which it has been able to Influence.
The population base obviously Governs the Dimension of the Spheres of Polarisation which have been created.
Division of the Consciousness: