
Fredrick Kong is the maintainer of this page.

By accessing this website (address: www.oocities.org/castor_sean), you, the internet user, assume all responsibility for your actions. You visit this website of your free will.  Therefore you hereby give up your rights to sue the creator and maintainer of this page, or the maintainers of this server, Yahoo!, Geocities, and any associated parties for any harm done to you while accessing these pages.  That includes: physical, mental, spiritual, etc. harm of any kind done to you and all that you own and have access to.

In no way does the maintainer of this site, or the maintainers of  this server endorse anything in this website.

Unfortunately, I'm not profiting here.  I am keeping up this page just for the fun of it.  There's also nothing here for me to endorse to pocket some income.  Basically, if you don't like this page, then get the hell out of here. It will save us both an infinite amount of headaches.

Otherwise, enjoy your stay here.

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