I made this page because it's really important to me that abused Babyz get homes. Many people are anti-abuse or neglect, and I fully support that, but many people don't ever give up their abused Babyz, because they are afraid of being reprimanded, or getting harassed. So I have created Safe Sites. If you join CCB Safe Site Program, your site becomes a safe place for abusers and neglectors to drop off their babyz, no questions asked. This way, abusers can drop their babyz, and not "get caught". Of course, I want all abuse to end. But it won't. This way we can still save these poor babyz. Please join. Email me here with your site's name and address so I can add you to our Baby Savers Hall Of Fame. Grab a link button and a drop off button below. Link the Drop off button to your email, and the link button back here. Thankz for saving Babyz!