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Championship Scrabble,

wherein it is shown that various Members of the
Dover Scrabble Clubbe in the Regione of Delaware
in the United States of America
do outperform e'en the greatest Players of the Gayme
of Scrabble on Earthe
using naught but their own
Vocabularys and Wittes, and the attempt
is made to lead Scrabble Players of the
Tournament style to this more prideful waye
of Playe, or at least bringe some Shayme uponne
them, and perchance to give Diversion to Non-Scrabble
Players who looke in uponne this Payge.


Pre-Intro Intro Rules Explanations Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Summary Decision Acceptance Speech



In case you're inclined to scamper around this page without assimilating the introductory material, you at least need to know this:

All the words you see in RED are not acceptable in the Dover Scrabble Club. Generally, this means that the word is not recognized by the American Heritage 4th Edition. There is also a small handful of words now included in the American Heritage which I have specifically banished as Scrabble junk. See the appendix at the bottom.

You must also understand that, for each game, the board is presented twice, side-by-side. The second, "flipped" board shows the same tiles, but flipped across the diagonal. This makes words that were originally vertical now horizontal.

Thus, you can easily see all the words played in a game by reading left to right and simply ignoring anything going on vertically.



You might be aware that I have put no little effort into convincing the world what a great game Scrabble can be drawing upon our own vocabularies, as opposed to using obscure words on lists developed by people who view Scrabble mainly as a point-scoring exercise. Since the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary is the only show in town, and since it is crammed to overflowing with unfamiliar - but useful! - letter sequences, even the most casual Scrabble players quickly get sucked into the "Scrabble is all about points!" mentality.

No, there's not much response to, "Maybe you don't know that word, but somebody . . . somewhere . . . does!" All I can say is, I've been around long enough, and have read a wide enough variety of material, to know the difference between words that are unusual, or archaic, or obscure, or useful jargon in various fields . . . and just plain, downright far-fetched.

But don't take it from me. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and back up, taking note of all the words you see in RED. They were all played in the final rounds of the 2008 National Scrabble Championship. They are so useful to us (sarcasm) that even our most highly respected dictionary, the American Heritage Dictionary, doesn't know what they mean.

My claim is that, not only can vocabulary-based Scrabble be good, it is positively exhilarating. For some time I have been trying to engage conventional Scrabble players in a discussion of my proposal of opening the game up to longer, more natural words. The finished boards that we produce in the Dover Scrabble Club (Delaware) are most impressive, and I regularly post lists of the words we play to the discussion group and challenge Scrabble players to post their own lists to shoot me down.

There have been no takers.

Then it occurred to me to grab the bull by the horns and track down some finished boards from Scrabble tournaments. Only recently has this borne fruit. The National Scrabble Championship was held in Orlando, Florida, in July 2008 (a month ago, as I write this.) They posted the "Table 1 game" (presumably, the game between the top dogs of the moment) for each of the 28 rounds of the tournament.

At the same time, in my club, we started a new season. The first four games of Season 6 went particularly well, and I got the notion to place those four games side-by-side with the final four "Table 1" games of the the National Scrabble Championship (NSC) in a sort of four-round match between us . . . and them. Where they happen to be the top Scrabble players on the planet. (Nobody ever said I didn't need my head examined!)

As you look the games over, ask yourself which style of play looks more satisfying? More interesting? More exciting? More intelligent? More fun? I'll admit it's not exactly like reading a novel (especially, the National Scrabble Championship boards!), but I hope you can slow down enough to let the boards and play lists sink in a bit, and make sense of some of the interesting statistics presented in each round. In any case, there is a handy summary at the bottom.


Dover Scrabble Club Rules

The Dover Scrabble Club (Delaware) plays a purified Scrabble with a few very small, very natural, long overdue fixes which steal the game back from the tiny, high-powered words which have flooded Scrabble's official word lists in the decades since the game was invented. I call it Scrabble II, and it busts things wide open to the longest Scrabble words ever played, anywhere. In a nutshell, Scrabble II is . . .

In addition to those corrections, we abide by the original challenge rule in effect from 1948 to 1976 which permits only valid words to remain on the board. I call this the Good Words Only rule, and it is part and parcel of the Scrabble II rules. Bluffers can now go back to playing poker.

Moreover, we use a conventional dictionary, the American Heritage Dictionary 4th Edition, to get further away from the inscrutable character strings that Scrabble players live and die by. Scrabble II rules do not prescribe a conventional dictionary, but you would find that the power of those weird little letter sequences is largely nullified by the Scrabble II fixes, anyway. Why not get the junk off the board completely?

There are a few words now included in the American Heritage which I have specifically banished as Scrabble junk. See Appendix 2 at the bottom. [Note, Aug 2009: AG and ED, which were not acceptable in the Dover club when this page was created, have since been accepted. I still can't stand them, though.]



A few words about the notation and terminology used below:

* = unused Triple-Word Score square.

A lower-case letter on a board indicates a Blank was used.

NSC = National Scrabble Championship

Total Points is the total points scored by all the players in the game.

Average Length Of Main Word In Play is, well, it's hard to say it any more clearly. The point is, if you play HUNGER, incidentally forming HE and OR, the smaller words shouldn't diminish your accomplishment. Skipped turns and removed plays do not figure in this average (as they do in Average Points Per Turn.)

Power Tiles shows all the power tiles (J Q X Z _ S) in the game, played and unplayed.

Anomalies shows the cases where there was less than half, or more than twice, the frequency of a given letter in the standard 100-tile set.

Percent Expected Vowels shows the deviation from the expected number of vowels (A E I O U) in the bag, based on 42 per 100 tiles in the standard set. So 105% would indicate slightly vowel-heavy; 94% indicates slightly consonant-heavy.

Base Points On Tiles is the sum of all the point values on the tiles in the bag. For the standard set of 100 tiles the point values add up to 187.

Deviation From Well-Worn 100-Tile Set gives the tile count for each letter of the alphabet. If no number is shown, it is the same as the frequency of the given letter in the standard 100-tile set.

Again, every game board is presented twice. The second board shows the same tiles, but flipped across the diagonal.

This allows you to see every word played by simply reading horizontally.

And don't you forget, words in RED would not even be allowed in the Dover Scrabble Club.


Now, gentlemen, load your Scrabble racks . . .


National Scrabble Championship                    Dover Scrabble Club 
Brian Cappelletto vs. Robin Pollock Daniel        Elsie vs. Don
Round 25; Orlando, Florida; July 2008             Season 6, game 1; August 27 2008 

                                                            B                            C 
                         (board flipped)                    A                            H 
                                                       S    P     A                      E 
   *    DARIOLE  F       *      *      *             * P    T AtTIRED      *      C      Q 
         T  B  OKA            I                        U  WRIST   I               A      U 
     W   E  Id RID         WORMY                       R    z   QUARK     SPURT   TWINED E 
     OUZOS  TINCTS          U PALEA   G                TOE  E                 O   T   NOGS 
     R OM    N  H           ZOA    V  U                  HITS                 EH  L  J  I 
    IMPAIR   G  ED       D  OMIT  BI  A                   N                 W  INFERNO  V 
     YA TAJ  I   O       ATES RAX AGE N                   F C               R  T     W  EL 
   *  L  XU  E   V       R     JUST REIF             CATTLE U FARMED    BAPTIzES CUDDlY  O 
      E   SUQS   E       I       U  O N                W  R D    O          S       E   FA 
      A BAT      N       OBIT    Q  s                  I  N DETOURED       AT     F T   AN 
       VIG   W L         L dINGIES WEPT                N JOWl    B         t      A O   IS 
         EROsELY         E  N       LEA                EN   Y   LICHEN     T Q    R U L R 
          E  PEND         ORC      LYNCH               DO        D A       I U    MORBID 
      GUANIN TACO         KITHE      DOE                GIVE FAIR  T      ARIA    E E C 
   *      F    HER       FADS DOVEN    R          CHEQUES  LOANS   E       E R    D D HATE 
                                                                           D K        E 

Total Points:                           781  vs.  835 
Average Points Per Turn:      781/28 = 27.9  vs.  835/24 = 34.8 
8-Tile Plays:         (none - not possible)  vs.  BAPTIZES 
6-Tile Plays:                        IMPAIR  vs.  CUDDLY INFERNO 
Average Length Of Main Word In Play:    4.3  vs.  5.3
Q-Words:                           SUQ SUQS  vs.  QUARK CHEQUES 
Total tiles played:                      99  vs.  107 
Unplayed tiles:                           E       A T E I 
Power Tiles:   (always J Q X Z _ _ S S S S)  vs.  (11) J Q Q _ _ _ S S S S S 
Anomalies:            (none - not possible)  vs.  1G  no X  no Z 
Percent Expected Vowels:      (always 100%)  vs.  94% 
Base Points On Tiles:          (always 187)  vs.  196 
Deviation From Well-Worn 100-Tile Set: 
                                                    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
                                                   10     4  7 14  3  1  3           3  1 
        (none - not possible)                vs. 
                                                    N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  _ 
                                                       6     2  8  5 10  5  1  3  0  1  0  3 

NSC Play-By-Play:                                 Dover Play-By-Play: 
  18 XU  *                                           52 CUDDLY 
  15 SUQ US                                          26 JOWL 
  31 TAJ JUS                                         34 INFERNO 
   0 (trade)                                         12 HIT
  77 DINGIES SUQS                                   123 BAPTIZES HITS
  22 BAT JUST                                        27 CATTLE
  21 VIG BI AG                                       11 TOE EH
  14 TINCT                                           18 WRIST
  28 IMPAIR IT RAX                                   64 DETOURED
  36 FADS TINCTS                                     24 MORBID
  43 KITHE KA ID                                     76 ATTIRED AT
  30 DOVEN ED                                        39 FARMED
  74 EROSELY AGE                                     30 LICHEN
  34 WORMY                                           28 TWINED
  26 OUZO                                            15 NOG EN DO
  18 WEPT                                            21 HATE
  21 REIF                                           122 CHEQUES NOGS
  38 OM ZOA OMIT                                      8 ARIA
  26 LYNCH                                           36 QUARK
  18 HER                                             16 GIVE
   9 GUANIN                                          17 LOANS
  12 BIT ID                                          20 FAIR FA AN IS
  83 DARIOLE OBIT                                    14 SPURT
  16 TACO OE 
  13 PALEA YA 

Words in RED disallowed in the Dover Scrabble Club.
* Play violates Dover Scrabble Club "three letter minimum" rule.

Elsie used a blank for a Z in BAPTIZES - cool!



National Scrabble Championship                    Dover Scrabble Club 
Nigel Richards vs. Brian Cappelletto              Don vs. Elsie 
Round 26; Orlando, Florida; July 2008             Season 6, game 2; August 27 2008 

                         (board flipped)                                     B 
                                                         L         f         O     F     T 
   AW     InDORSED       AM     U V    T             *  WIDENED    E       *VAT   *O     O 
   MOOCH  D   E          WO   K N APPEAR             V   N       BIZ         T     r    HO 
     WHEATS   O           OW  I T S    I           BOATING   SHERIF          I     G  R UT 
      U N    QI           CHUFF R  OBJET             T   UT  A  O          W N BY  I  E N 
      FATALLY l           HE A  U AXE  O                BAR TUNNEL        LINGUA   V  N G 
    KIF I A  CION          ANTIMERE GIRN                Y A  NO  AB        D  TRAMPER THEM 
        M Z   N            T A         E                  M HATS XI        E        A  ORA 
   UNTRUE EL  G  *       IDS LAZED OBIAS             *    P AS L  O*       N   T HAJJ  P R 
        R DELT           n   L  LEVYING             FOrGIVE J  UH          E SAUNAS    P E 
   VAS AE  V             D   Y   L E                      RAJ WRENS        D H NOT  W  E 
    P OX  OYER           O  Q C  T R                           RE H          E N SLURRED 
    P BEG BI             REOIlING                      RENT    EL O          ROE   HEEL 
    E J I IN             S    O                           HOPPED  O         BI LAX  N 
    A E R AG             E    N                       HUNGER      TI        IF  BIO SHOOT 
   TRITONES      *       D      *      *            TOOT  MARE     C      fEZ     *     ICILY

Total Points:                           827  vs.  823 
Average Points Per Turn:      827/25 = 33.1  vs.  823/32 = 25.7
8-Tile Plays:         (none - not possible)  vs.  (none)
                        INDORSED REOILING 
6-Tile Plays:                       FATALLY  vs.  SAUNAS HUNGER TRAMPER LINGUA WIDENED 
                                                    FORGIVE BOATING
Average Length Of Main Word In Play:    4.9  vs.  4.7
Q-Words:                                 QI  vs.  (none)
Total Tiles Played:                      99  vs.  115 
Unplayed Tiles:                           U       A 
Power Tiles:   (always J Q X Z _ _ S S S S)  vs.  (10) J J X Z _ _ S S S S 
Anomalies:            (none - not possible)  vs.  6H  no K  no Q
Percent Expected Vowels:      (always 100%)  vs.  92% 
Base Points On Tiles:          (always 187)  vs.  212
Deviation From Well-Worn 100-Tile Set: 
                                                    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
                                                   10  4  1  3 13        6  8  2  0  5 
        (none - not possible)                vs. 
                                                    N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  _
                                                    9 10  3  0  8     9 

NSC Play-By-Play:                                 Dover Play-By-Play: 
  26 LAZE                                            0 (trade) 
  26 FATALLY                                         0 (trade) 
  64 ANTIMERE                                       26 HAJ 
  21 UNTRUE                                         36 SAUNAS HA AS 
  26 HUFF                                           24 SHERIF 
  40 MOOCH CHUFF                                    12 TUNNEL 
  68 LEVYING                                        42 BIZ BI IF 
  32 AW AM WO  *                                    15 NOT HAT HA 
  39 WHEAT OW HE                                    73 SLURRED HATS 
  39 BIAS BI IN AG                                  27 HEEL UH RE RE EL 
  21 OYER OBIAS                                     15 WREN 
  20 DELT LAZED                                      0 (trade) 
  77 TRITONES                                       18 HOPPED 
  24 IDS WHEATS                                     53 HUNGER HE OR 
  24 APPEAR                                         19 TOOT HO UT 
  80 INDORSED                                       29 MARE HEM ORA 
  28 OBJET                                          17 RENT THEM 
   0 (trade)                                        33 RAJ HAJJ 
  44 AXE AE OX BE                                   33 TRAMPER 
  70 REOILING                                       40 LINGUA 
  13 GIRN BEG                                       68 WIDENED 
  11 QI  *                                          33 FEZ 
  20 KIF                                            12 BY BAR 
   8 CION                                            6 ROE 
   6 VAS                                            30 SHOOT WRENS 
                                                     0 (trade) 
                                                    32 ICILY TI 
                                                    18 LAX 
                                                    30 BIO AB XI 
                                                    35 FORGIVE 
                                                    40 BOATING 

Words in RED disallowed in the Dover Scrabble Club.
* Play violates Dover Scrabble Club "three letter minimum" rule.

Ok, so SHERIF was my stupid misspelling of SHERIFF. But it was in the dictionary, so there!



National Scrabble Championship                    Dover Scrabble Club 
Brian Cappelletto vs. Nigel Richards              Elsie vs. Don
Round 27; Orlando, Florida; July 2008             Season 6, game 3; August 27 2008 

                         (board flipped)                          R                 A 
                                                                  I                 I 
   *  H   OUTDO  *       *      PETIOLAR             *     IDEA MOVING     *      P D JOUSTER
    AJEE    I BAG         A   Q U   MOW                       Q   E              OAKS E  V 
     AL       AMUS        JAGGIEsT   W                        U BARN              L   W  E 
     GLEE CYTOSINE       HELLOS H    N                      QUAVERs             C SPY E  L 
     GOLFER      P        E EL   DAVY BI                 C  U      B           COPY   L  T 
    QIS  DANK    T          EF  FIX   ON                CORRALS   SOUL          R    V  WE 
     E    ZOA    I           ED  V     A              O  P  ROOF  HA       I    R    O  H 
   PUsH F I      C       O  CRAZIER    N             PALSY  T U   IT       D  QUARTZ L WEDGE 
   E T DIVERTS           U  Y NO R     E              K P   ZARF ME        E  U LO A I  E 
   T   AX R RE           TI T KA TRUDgER           AIDS Y      A ID        AQUA SOUR T  Z 
   I   V    UN           D  O    SEN                      VOLITION            V  F FAIRLY 
   OM  Y    D            OBAS                        JEWEL     R T         M BE      O 
   LOWN     g             AMI                        O      W  L Y         O AR    MINTY 
   AW  BO   E             GUN                        U    WHEEZY         RIVERs SHIED 
   R   INANER    *       * SEPTIC      *             SVELTE D      *       I N BOAT      * 
                                                     T      G              N    U 
                                                     E      E              G    L 

Total Points:                           906  vs.  815 
Average Points Per Turn:      906/30 = 30.2  vs.  815/30 = 27.2
8-Tile Plays:         (none - not possible)  vs.  (none)
                         PETIOLAR TRUDGER
6-Tile Plays:                        (none)  vs.  RIVERS SVELTE JOUSTER
Average Length Of Main Word In Play:    4.6  vs.  4.9
Q-Words:                             QI QIS  vs.  QUART QUARTZ QUA AQUA
Total Tiles Played:                      99  vs.  111
Unplayed Tiles:                           I       E N N
Power Tiles:   (always J Q X Z _ _ S S S S)  vs.  (11) J Q Q Z Z _ S S S S S 
Anomalies:            (none - not possible)  vs.  no X
Percent Expected Vowels:      (always 100%)  vs.  94% 
Base Points On Tiles:          (always 187)  vs.  229
Deviation From Well-Worn 100-Tile Set: 
                                                    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
                                                               13     2     8        7 
        (none - not possible)                vs. 
                                                    N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  _
                                                    5     3  2  9  5     6  4  3  0  4  2  1

NSC Play-By-Play:                                 Dover Play-By-Play: 
   0 (trade)                                        48 QUART 
   0 (trade)                                        41 ZARF QUARTZ 
   0 (trade)                                         0 (trade) 
  92 CRAZIER                                        24 FAIRLY 
  78 CYTOSINE                                       36 QUAVER 
  22 AMU AS MI UN                                   54 RIVERS QUAVERS 
  20 GOLFER                                         52 WHEEZY 
  86 JAGGIEsT                                       61 VOLITION 
   0 (lost sULPHITIC)                               30 WEDGE 
  30 BAG BAS AMI GUN                                45 MOVING 
  36 PUSH                                            0 (lost CRAPPY) 
  31 QI  *                                          32 QUA 
  36 SEPTIC AMUS                                    10 CORRAL 
  21 GLEE LO EL EF                                  11 ROOF LO 
  14 DIVER                                          22 COPY 
  22 AJEE                                            0 (lost SVELT) 
  28 OUTDO OBAS                                     33 PALSY 
  22 DANK ED                                        55 SVELTE 
  83 PETIOLAR                                       42 JOUSTER 
  32 MOW OM LO AW                                   30 JEWEL 
  14 LOWN                                           26 MINTY 
  22 ZOA NO KA                                       7 OAK 
  29 FIX                                            20 BARN BE AR 
  31 DAVY AX                                        23 HIED ME ID 
  71 TRUDGER DIVERT                                 29 BOAT IT HA 
  27 HELLOS AL QIS                                  25 IDEA AQUA 
  18 INANER                                         17 SOUR CORRALS 
  14 BO BI ON  *                                    17 SOUL SHIED 
   4 TI  *                                           8 SPY 
  23 SEN DIVERTS RE UN                              17 AIDS OAKS 

Words in RED disallowed in the Dover Scrabble Club.
* Play violates Dover Scrabble Club "three letter minimum" rule.

Elsie's WHEEZY for 52 points is the highest-scoring single-word play, not involving a double- or triple-word premium or a bonus, I have ever seen. Decades ago I played QUICK for 50.

Regarding a certain attempted Dover Scrabble Club play, words denoted "vulgar" or "offensive" are disallowed in the club.



National Scrabble Championship                    Dover Scrabble Club 
Brian Cappelletto vs. Nigel Richards              Elsie vs. Don
Round 28; Orlando, Florida; July 2008             Season 6, game 4; August 27 2008 

                         (board flipped)                           S          O 
                                                            U R    K          O 
   *  T PENATES  *       *  SERRYING Z L             M      N E   PA       MUMPS  E  BRAYED 
     JO H  BATHER          GOX  O    EYE             U S    R V   AT          I   DOZE 
    GOT O EAU U           JO    N    PAW             M A  T A O   RE        SANDING  DRYING 
   SO EFT     L          TOTE  LI     ID          HOOPING W T T   I           G   En  E 
   EX  U      N             FUCI      R              S D  I ENERVATEd              E  V 
   R   C   MM            PHOT  BE     D                I  D D D   I          TWIDDLE H 
   R  LIBIDO             E     IN     SI               N  D       E                D U 
   YONI ENOWS    *       N E   DO    K n             EDGE L AMOEBAS*      UNRATED AI L   * 
   I        A            ABA  MOW   QI N              O nEEDIER                N  ME AY 
   N        R  F         TAU  M SARCInAE              Z       ARRIVAL     REVOTED ORA O 
   G        C  O         ET          G R             BED  HULA     I           R  E R U 
           QI AVA        SHULN      AL V             R REV   YOUNGER           V  B R N 
   ZEP    KInGLET         E       FOVEAE             A Y           M           A  A I G 
    YAIRDS  A  A          R         AT D             Y I           A       PARITIES V E 
   LEWD  InNERVED*       *      *      *             E N    *      I     SKATE E  * AIRMAIL 
                                                     D G           L           d    L 


Total Points:                           809  vs.  985
Average Points Per Turn:      809/24 = 33.7  vs.  985/21 = 46.9
8-Tile Plays:         (none - not possible)  vs.  PARITIES ENERVATED
                                                    DRYING YOUNGER UNRATED REVOTED TWIDDLE
Average Length Of Main Word In Play:    4.8  vs.  5.9
Q-Words:                              QI QI  vs.  (none)
Total Tiles Played:                      98  vs.  112
Unplayed Tiles:                         I U       T A U T 
Power Tiles:   (always J Q X Z _ _ S S S S)  vs.  (7) Z _ _ S S S S 
Anomalies:            (none - not possible)  vs.  no C  9D  no F  no J  no Q  no X
Percent Expected Vowels:      (always 100%)  vs.  103%
Base Points On Tiles:          (always 187)  vs.  186
Deviation From Well-Worn 100-Tile Set: 
                                                    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M 
                                                   13     0  9 16  0  4    10  0        4 
        (none - not possible)                vs. 
                                                    N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  _
                                                       6     0 10     7  5  4  1  0  3 

NSC Play-By-Play:                                 Dover Play-By-Play: 
  14 ENOW                                           46 AMOEBA 
  27 LIBIDO BE IN DO OW                             69 NEEDIER AI ME OR
  20 MM MOW                                         23 EDGE EN 
  54 YONI LI                                       115 PARITIES AMOEBAS
  63 SERRYING                                       40 SANDING 
  22 GOX SO EX                                     102 ENERVATED 
  24 JO GO  *                                       43 SKATE 
  18 FUCI                                           75 ARRIVAL ORA 
  70 SARCINA ENOWS                                  52 HOOPING 
  98 INNERVE SARCINAE                               50 AIRMAIL 
  33 TOTE JO GOT EF                                 34 DOZE 
  24 FOVEAE                                         63 BRAYED BE 
  30 YAIRDS SI                                      48 DRYING BED 
  45 LEWD YE AW ID                                  42 YOUNGER 
  50 ZEP EYE PAW                                     0 (trade) 
  20 HOT EFT                                        47 UNRATED 
  25 QI QI IN  *                                    33 MUMPS 
  89 PENATES PHOT                                   43 REVOTED 
  41 BATHER AB TA ET SH                             36 TWIDDLE 
  11 KINGLET                                        12 HULA AY 
  18 AVA AL AT                                      12 REV 
  16 SHULN 
  11 InNERVED 

Words in RED disallowed in the Dover Scrabble Club.
* Play violates Dover Scrabble Club "three letter minimum" rule.

Hey, one of those NSC plays suggests a great retronym for the official, tournament-style game: Qiqi Scrabble!

Pronounced "chee-chee".

(Ooh, that's mean!)


Post-Match Summary

Lumping the games together, here is a summary of the most interesting points of comparison between National Scrabble Championship play and Dover Scrabble Club play.

Average Points Scored Per Turn:

  NSC:  3323 points/107 turns = 31.1 ppt
  DSC:  3458 points/107 turns = 32.3 ppt

We score more than a point per turn higher than the best Scrabble players on earth - and we do it with real words from out of our own vocabularies!

Average Length Of Main Word In Play:

  NSC:  4.6 letters
  DSC:  5.1 letters

On the average, our words are half a letter longer - and that in spite of the pros playing about twice as many bingos!

Use Of The Q:


It's beyond me why Scrabble players would ever let the public see what they do with their Q's. I'd die of shame. Lest you think there is something anomalous about those last four tournament games, here's a rundown. In the 28 "Table 1" games of the tournament, the word(?) QI or QIS was played 24 times; the word(?) QAT was played 6 times; while the word(?) SUQ or SUQS was played only 3 times. But it's not as bleak as all that; they did occasionally come up with an honest-to-gosh, down-to-earth, yankee-English Q-word: QAID, QOPH, and QANAT.

Wait! Don't leave yet! Here's another one: TRANQ.

Oh, dear.

Look, men, the Q was meant to be a hot potato. If it makes you quake and quiver so, and you can't quite quash those qualms, maybe you should quickly and quietly quit. Eat a quiche.

8-Tile Plays:

  NSC: (none - not possible)  

Notice that the possibility of playing 8 tiles also brings 9-letter words into the Scrabble fold on a fairly regular basis!

7-Tile Plays (Bingos):


It's hard to depreciate the Scrabble champs' skill at crafting seven-tile plays. I stand in awe. But wouldn't it be nice if a few more of their bingos didn't come from study lists?

6-Tile Plays:


ATTENTION! This may well be the most striking statistic. At a glance, you see the profound effect of the modest bonus for laying down 6 tiles. In tournament Scrabble, that's no man's land. If you can't unload all 7 tiles (and the average player does so infrequently), you're better off pushing your widdle bwocks in twos and fwees awound on the color squares. (Hmmm, that doesn't sound like a very intellectual pursuit, does it?)

Surviving Plays That Would Be Disqualified By A Real Dictionary:

  NSC: 39 plays - out of just 107 plays total!
  DSC: (none - can't happen)

Not to mention, an additional 12 plays if you'll let me throw out a few pieces of junk like JO, QI, SUQ, ZA, ZEP, etc., and disallow squirt plays of 2-letter words only. That would disqualify very nearly half of all the NSC plays in the four games!



Winner and new champeeeen . . . the Dover Scrabble Club!


Acceptance Speech

Well, them NSC guys played a heckuva match, sure did, sure did. Of course, on any given day any scrabble club can beat any other club, but everybody did their job and everything fell into place for us this time. I bet they know what "Dover Scrabble Club rules" means now, heh heh!

The DSC team and all of Dover, a heckuva town, feel proud and humble.

Nigel Richards is a heckuva player and he showed it by winning the 2008 National Scrabble Championship in July. I feel bad snatching the crown away after only a month.

I take a 10 3/8.

But don't take it too hard, Nige, old bean. Here's a few words of advice.

Don't give up.

Think of the breathtaking Scrabble masterpieces you will be creating once you turn that awesome Scrabble analyzer on an 8-tile rack and an extended board, and not forgetting . . . real words from a real dictionary!

Then stand back and listen as the subdued snickers from an international audience of English speakers swell into a deafening ovation!


Appendix 1: Related Scrabble Pages of Interest

Here's my main page describing Scrabble for Word Lovers (Scrabble II).

For more Scrabble II boards created by the Dover Scrabble Club:

The Columbia Scrabble Club (Maryland) sent me some completed boards for a similar study. See my Columbia Scrabble Club vs. Dover page.

Here's a quick rundown of all the Q-words played at Table 1 at the National Scrabble Championship. Read it and cringe - or laugh your head off, depending on how you view big, public embarrassments.

If, after all of that, you still maintain that the funny little OSPD words are where it's at, man, I've invented the perfect Scrabble game for you: Goo-Goo Scrabble!

Appendix 2: Disallowed American Heritage Words

In moving up from the second to the fourth edition of the American Heritage a few years ago, I found a few words were added which I couldn't bear fouling up my Scrabble boards. While I was rejecting those words, I took the opportunity to "retire" all the Hebrew letters (letters aren't words; Hebrew is foreign) and a few old-timers, including AZO and ZOA, which never pop up in real life and which have long since worn out their welcome on the Scrabble board. See my Dover Scrabble Club rules page for a list of charges against the condemned:




May they rest in peace.


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Helpful keywords not in the main text: ospd = official scrabble players dictionary. Ultimate Scrabble (former name for Scrabble II).

Parents, if you're considering tutoring or supplemental education for your child, you may be interested in my observations on Kumon.