Be Very, Very Quiet, I'm Hunting Catholics

Those wacky Loyalists have really had a field day in the Six Counties in recent months. It would seem that Ronnie himself was issuing licences for Catholic Hunting, and Trimble was the silent, ever-watching game warden. 14 Catholics are victims of the loyalist cease-fire, dozens have been injured, the entire community lives in fear of being attacked, while Ronnie and his Ronnettes go around Nationalist enclaves issuing vague warnings of impending doom.
What was the result of this you ask? In the "through -the-looking-glass" world of the Six Counties, the DUP was removed for almost a month. WOW, how could such a sever punishment be handed down? A bit Draconian, don't you think?
The collusion between the RUC, Unionist politicians and Loyalist paramilitaries has always been kept well under cover, but their hand is slowly being turned. The questions in the Nationalist community are: Why have there been no arrests? Why has there been no action? And in the case of Robert Hammill, Why isn't the British Government stepping in?
At this writing, the Brits are trying to determine if Sinn Féin should be removed from the talks. They base their case on a report from Ronnie and his Ronnettes, which states that the gun used in the recent murders that are being attributed to an IRA faction, were indeed used in previous IRA actions. Thus, the IRA has broken it's cease-fire, Sinn Féin should be removed from talks, and Trimble and Co. should welcome Gary McMichael and the DUP back as productive member of the negotiations. Does anyone else smell a rat? King Rat perhaps?
Let's be realistic here, Ronnie Flanagan is tarnished. If you don't believe me, check out the Pat Finucane Center's biography of ole' Ronnie. The report produced by the fine officers of the RUC special investigation unit is a fantasy of opinion, based on the musings of probable Orang Order members, likely Loyalist terrorist collaborators. The British Government is trying to pass this shite off as an impartial report, and it looks like they're getting away with it.
The truth about this farce of a force needs to be exposed. Their day will come.

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