News Flash!! - We finally Get Squinter's Attention
By Míchéal Ó Reilly
February 14, 1998

In a stunning display of Valentine's spirit, Squinter recognizes the existence of the SAS, and dubs it's members "Cyberfreaks." Speaking on the promise of anonymity, the Lord-High Cyberfreak said: "It truly is a great honor to be recognized by Squinter. I mean, most of his biggest fans are in the SAS, so it is fitting that we are recognized as the Cyberfreaks we are."
The Squinter Appreciation Society aka "The Real SAS", boasts membership in the dozens, although exact membership figures could not be obtained. Begun as the drunken mumblings of a bunch of Yanks and ex-pats in an undisclosed location, somewhere in North America, the SAS is growing at an alarming rate. "We expect to be able to field a hurling team by springtime," said the Lord-High Cyberfreak, still speaking under the cloak of anonymity, and rushing around the room, pretending to be invisible. "If we don't have enough for hurling, maybe we'll just go out for jars."
"Who in the name of Joseph are these people," Squinter is assumed to have said. "Cyberfreaks is an insult, and here these people go around calling themselves the "Lord-High Cyberfreak," we would assume Squinter would say.
"Perhaps we'll grow to challenge the Orange Order in number," said the Lord-High Cyberfreak, crouching in the corner, making monster noises. "Or we could start the Real Ulster Cooperative (RUC), or Free Readers Discussing Everything Squinter (Fr. Des)."

Read Squinter's "SAS-Reference" Column
From the February 14, 1998 Andersonstown News

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