Erick Jerome Swearengin. 'Van Swearingin' ("Dutch") is the likely 'root' of my last name.

Jerome is 'Geromino' in Spanish. Most people call me "Erick".
Take off the 'E', add a 'P' . . .

Uh, I'm just making sure there's something when you click the link . . . if you are disappointed, that was not my intention.

I am a human being. homo sapiens. At least I try to be. Earthling. I'm living in Utah.

Cinda is my closest and dearest friend. I love her very much.


Male, handsome, charming, intelligent. Modest.

I used to think I was a bit conceited, but now I know I'm perfect.

Construction worker. I build, I demolish. Sometimes at the same time.

Humble, yet loveable. Like "UnderDog". Only doggier.

A favorite musical group.

Boring . . . very boring . . . I am a total BOAR. Perfect BOAR.

AHA! I just got an idea! Here's some of my family members' Home Pages. That's sorta about me, and should count as valid info for this page, IMHO.

Cinda's Home Page

Myrna's Home Page

Glenna's Home Page

My Uncle's Home Page ~ It's Dedicated to My Grandfather.

That's quite enough, don't you think?

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Since 04/10/99