

Kathryn was so lost in her thoughts she did not hear Chakotay's approach and jumped when he placed a hand on her shoulder. She smiled up at him from her perch on a tree stump and watched him lower himself to the ground beside her. When he looked up, squinting in the sun, she chuckled. "Go ahead and ask."

"Alright," he grinned. "Why are you sitting here alone in the forest?"

"Oh, I'm not alone," she answered and looked off into the distance. "Flotter's around here somewhere."

"I see. Why are you in the forest with Flotter?"

Her eyes slid down to his and her smile lingered. "I came here to think, and this is a nice change from the other programs."

Chakotay's smile faded a little as he searched her eyes. "Anything I can help with?"

"No, but thank you." She saw his concern and reassured him. "It's not troubled thinking, Chakotay, but thankful thinking."

"Thankful thinking?"

"I'm very fortunate," she said, and reached out to brush her fingers through the short hair over his ear. "I wanted to reflect on that."

"Uh huh," he grinned. "You've become very sentimental, you know. You're going to ruin your reputation."

"Oh? What reputation would that be?" She lowered herself to the ground in front of him and leaned back against his chest, pulling his arms around her waist.

"The stern Starfleet captain who rules with an iron fist?"

Kathryn laughed. "I'm fairly certain I blew that reputation when I cried the first time we danced together."

"Maybe they just thought I stepped on your toes."

"Not a chance." She rested her head back against his shoulder. "You're an excellent dancer."

They were silent for several moments as they thought back on that special evening. Following successful trade negotiations with the Traxans, Neelix had quickly put together a celebration party that included music for dancing. When Kathryn eagerly accepted Tom's invitation to dance, Chakotay had worked up the nerve to ask her for the next one. She accepted.

Moments after they had taken the floor, every eye in the room was trained on them as they moved gracefully in perfect unison. Blue eyes remained locked with brown, and it would've been impossible for the crew not to see the affection that radiated between them. When the music ended, they stopped but continued to gaze at one another. A single tear slipped down Kathryn's cheek. Just as Chakotay reached up to brush it away, applause broke out and the moment was broken. They quickly stepped apart, but it was too late. The crew was onto them.

"Why did you cry?" Chakotay asked softly.

Kathryn stroked the back of his hand with her fingertips. "Because once you held me in your arms, I knew it was where I wanted to be," she answered quietly then turned her face into his neck.

"Had I known a simple dance could do that, I would've asked you years ago." He gave her a gentle squeeze.

Kathryn tilted her head back to look up at him with a soft smile. "I hate to burst your bubble, but years ago it wouldn't have worked. I wasn't ready."

"Then I suppose I'm indebted to Tom. Again. If he hadn't asked you to dance, I never would've known you enjoyed it so." He chuckled then kissed the tip of her nose. After giving her another squeeze, he reluctantly stood and offered her a hand up. "I need to get back to the bridge." Kathryn smoothed the front of his uniform jacket and he smiled, knowing it was more an excuse to touch him than concern for his appearance. When he leaned forward to kiss her cheek, she surprised him with a quick turn of her head, catching his lips with hers.

"Enjoy your afternoon off," he managed while she wiped lipstick from his mouth with her thumb.

"Are we still on for dinner?

" "Wouldn't miss it. I'll bring the wine."

Kathryn turned him in the direction of the exit and gave a gentle shove. "Go mind the store, Commander. I've still got thinking to do."

"Thankful thinking?" he asked over his shoulder as he walked away.

"Thankful thinking," she answered and watched him until he was out of sight. Turning her gaze to the treetops, she sat down again and smiled to herself. Indeed, there was much to be thankful for and the list was long, but without a doubt, the wonderful man who owned her heart was at the very top.

~ end ~

-- Camryn, July 2006

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