Welcome to Central Allbreeds Dog Training School
Canine Lifestyle Training

Central Allbreeds Dog Training School is a positive method training club for owners and their dogs that is centrally located in New Zealand's capital city, Wellington.

Any type of dog (pure-breds and mix-breeds) and any type of handler is welcome to train at our club. Our only criteria is that the training you do is fun and that both you and your dog are happy while you train.

Our motto:


Please click on the arrow below and come into our little corner of the world and experience the canine thrill at Central Allbreeds.

Send mail to cadts_nz@yahoo.co.uk with questions or comments about this web site.
We have recently changed our website to a local host, the above arrow will take you directly there or you can type in the following address http://cadts.wellington.net.nz/
Copyright © 2005 Central Allbreeds Dog Training School
Last modified: April 12th, 2005