
In gardening terms, an annual is a plant whose entire lifecycle takes place within one year.
These are my annuals... projects that had a limited duration:

Camp LOL - Summer Camp 1999
My Magic Pink Bean
Spinner, the Adopted Reindeer

Perennials are plants that live for 2 or more years.
Well... I haven't had a website for that long yet, but this is what is planted here:

Holiday Pages
Pip, the Purpee

Vegetable Garden
This is an important part of my site, because it nourishes all my webpages:
WebTech University

The Orchard
Here are the fruits of my labor. Not much borne yet, but next season's yield looks better:
You Can Have My Heart
My Y2K bug
Get ARound ToIt

What better place to reflect on things than at the pond?
Some things which have touched my heart:

If I Had My Life to Live Over
Myra's page - on dying (dedicated to my mother-in-law)

Park Bench
Sit down, take a load off your feet, and chat awhile.
Information on chat mediums on the internet:

Inter Relay Chatting with mIRC
IRC Alphalink Server
Yahoo Internet Messenger

Here are some discontinued activities which nevertheless taught me a lot
- the experience has helped my website develop into a better place:

Holiday Gift Exchange

Sign BusyBee's Guestbook

{Heartlanders 2000 Activities & Events} {Web Tech University Diplomas}
{Holiday Webpages} {My Pink Beans} {Pip the adopted Purpee}
{Our adopted reindeer, Spinner} {Camp LOL}
{Sign BusyBee's Guestbook} {Email BusyBee} {View BusyBee's guestbook}

Note: All graphics are not public domain and
are not available for download from this site

Copyright BusyBee 1999, 2000

I lit a candle at the Mousepad