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Mission Statement
January 1991
We, the members of the St Anthony of Nagasaki Secular Franciscan Fraternity, have come together to discover in our own lives what it means to be Franciscan and to carry our discoveries into the world. We do this through personal and collective reflection, contemplation and action.
As Catholic Christians we listen to God's teachings in scripture and through the church.  We pray for guidance, that we might learn to live the Gospel life in today's world.
As Seculars we are in the world.  We accept the challenge of bringing Christian Franciscan values to bear in all aspects of our daily lives, in our families, our work, indeed in all those places in which we find ourselves.
As Franciscans, we demonstrate God's love to the world by our commitment  to follow Jesus Christ in the manner of St Francis of Assisi, living with Joy in fraternity.
We strive to help each other:
to live simply while facing the challenge of life in our times;
to live justly and to be peacemakers in a world that is in opposition to this ideal;
to stand with and bring justice and healing to the poor,  the alienated, the abused, and the hurting;
to be gentle caretakers of our environment, living in harmony with all our brother and sister creatures;
to express our minority by joint decision making;
to support one another through our own journeys of struggle, healing and growth; and
to be prayerful in all things and open to hear God's word through Scripture, especially the Gospels, through quiet prayer, and through all the activities of our lives.
Where and when we meet: (Call one of us for directions)
9:00 a.m. for Liturgy -- at St. Louis Friary (optional)
10:00-2:00 for Morning Prayers, formation, business, and lunch

2nd Saturdays of the month -- unless otherwise noted
Franciscan Missions Services
1343 Quincy St. NE -- one block from the Franciscan Monastery --
Washington, D.C.