A look into da brightspot

ALL RIGHT...*hands on hips!*  Who made this big mess all over my house?!?!

theories of brightness

brightie's bright spots

The theories of life for your average, everyday brightspot I just LOVE these places!  So much fun!  Come see what I'm babbling about!

meet da brightspot

what lies inside?

Oh, my...the real brightspot!  What will you find?!?  I dunno...come see!
brightie is not an english major...come and find out why!

the fire within

I just LOVE these places!  So much fun!  Come see what I'm babbling about! The theories of life for your average, everyday brightspot

brightspot's maternal side

oooooooo, write me, write me, I *L*O*V*E* getting e-mail!!!

Back to da begining

"Let's start at the very begining...a very good place to start..."

e-mail brighty

So *you're* the one who caused all this trouble!  And aren't you ashamed?!?
Strong, beautiful, independant...we are the ITAS!

The International Tribe of Amazon Sistahs - now defunct, I am the only remaining member of my tribe.  Please see my page of honor.