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Brightie's Nearest & Dearest
A listing of my nearest and dearest friends, in no particular order but the way they spilled outta my head...<grins> All people well worth getting to know, and I would like to include some way of doing just that for each of them, but not all of them are as webminded as me.  So you will just have to take my word for it that they are the MOST amazing people on earth. 
Oh, and if I forget anyone, just
let me know...otherwise, let's move on!
I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don't believe I deserved my friends. - Walt Whitman

This quote always makes me think of Riaz Kannani.  I just adore him.  I met him 8?!? years ago now, online in CompuServe.  He has always been at my side, for everything...from helping me understand how the web works, to holding my hand through online love affairs, to helping keep me up when my IRL marriage fell apart.  I just love him and I always will.  Riaz, this is for you.
Friends are people who go on conspiratorial shopping sprees together, diving in and out of shops totally beyond their price range, and ending up eating oozing cream cakes with only just enough money to get home. - Pam Brown

This quote makes me think of Anita C., my first IRL friend here in Cincinnati, and the one who helped me surive working for the greatest a$$hole that ever lived.  She's warm, caring, devoted, hard working, and would give you the shirt off her back without saying a word.  She is a true and trusted friend.  Anita, this one is for you.
A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. - Alban Goodier

This one makes me think of Candlelight, a dear, dear friend and Fishstick Sistah.  We hated each other, loved each other, hated each other, and now love each other again.  She is an amazing chef, a warm, rich, wise soul, beautiful and intelligent.  She has supported me through every major struggle in my life, from finding myself falling in love, to finding myself pregnant, to finding out my 5 year old daughter needed neurosurgery, to making my wedding cake, to helping me drink my cares away and taking my shoes so I don't break my neck.  She is my soul sister, and I love her.  Jen, this one is for you.
It was because the place was just the same that made your absence a savage force... - Elizabeth Jennings

This one now makes me think of another Fishstick Sistah, Misty (aka Tweezlebum).  Misty has a razor sharp wit, a keen and thought provoking intellect, a non-judgemental and all accepting heart, is fiercly protecting of those she loves, and is probably one of the most deeply respectful people I have ever met.  At the same time, there is a very deep and tender soft side to her that she seldom lets show...a vulnerability that  is entrancing.  She is moving from North Carolina to the UK to marry her sweetheart, and that is why this quote now makes me think of her.  She is closer to me than blood, and I love her.  Misty, this one is for you.
A friend is someone to whom you can say any jackass thing that enters your mind. - J.D. MacDonald

Christy.  LOL!!  That sums this one up in a single word.  She has been my friend, IRL and on the web, since I was in the 11th grade, 10 years ago.  Christy and I have seen it ALL together.  We have gone clubbing, been extremely drunk, been entirely too sober, eaten entirely too much, been brutely, brutely honest, been totally pissed with each other, been totally protective of each other, cried on one anothers shoulders, supported one another as best we could through the hardest times of our lives which seem a little more frequent for us than for other people....we've done it all.  She taught me how to be YOUNG.  Most recently, Christy has been my inspiration to lose the weight and the disgusting eating habits that have been eating me alive all these years.  She is my mentor, my life saver.  I love her, as well.  Christy, this one is for you.
Across how many thousand miles I lie, tossing to your heartbeat. - Andrew Harvey

I adore you.  Friend, this is for you.

Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light. - Jennie Jerome Churchill

God love him, this one makes me think of Orion Safari.  Often misunderstood, he has been trounced upon repeatedly by people he adored.  I really worried about him for a while, because he was so unhappy.  Now, he has joined the army...his letters are so focused, he amazes me with his dedication and strength.  He is serving our country, making this a safer world for my babies.  Shay, this one is for you.

Happiness is like a disease.   It spreads. - Simon Elliot, 11

This one reminds me of Petzbunny.  No, no, it's not a bad quote, Petz, don't smack me!  LOL  When I met Petz, I was at a very down point in my life...I was a stay-at-home mom, just a few months after having had a horrible surprise c-section, and was miserable.  I met her on
Neopets...she ran an adoption agency there.  I have to tell you, from the begining, her love for all things living just struck a chord with me.  Despite some major health problems, Petz has nothing but time and patience to take care of all God's creatures, both 2-legged and 4-legged.  She's humble, quiet, loving and reserved.  She loves online games and simulators as much as I do, and has come to see the contagious beauty of the SIMS.  She's funny, down to earth, incredibly talented, and wonderful.  Her loving for everything living is contagious, her joy for life catching.  I just have so much fun with her!!!  Petz, this one is for you.

Friends don't actually lie for each other - but they put down very good smoke screens. - Pam Brown

This one is for my little sis, StaceyPie.  I don't know if the link is still working, but Stacey luv, I couldn't forget ya.  Did you think I would??  LOL!!  Love ya girl.  This one is for you.
...when people have light in themselves, it will shine out from them; Then we get to know each other as we walk together in darkness, without needing to pass our hands over each other's faces, or to intrude into each other's hearts. - Albert Schweitzer

This is my dearest Elanor, my girlfriend in New Zealand.  She found my liveJournal one day, and we've been friends ever since.  She brings a new viewpoint to my life, the world from a different angle...plus she's sweet and supportive and funny and too much like me for my own comfort!!  LOLOL!!  She brought Laura and Chelsea into my life as well, two people whom I never tire of reading about, and who bring so much variety and spice to my life.  I could never sum up in words what Elle means to me, but she is DEFINIETLY a nearest and dearest.  I just adore her!!!!!  I have told her so many times I know she already knows what she means to me, but she's so important she deems her own gigantic space here.  Elle, darlin'....this one's for you.
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