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Welcome to the Eternal Timeline. This is my attempt to chronologically organize the Eternals history in a concise manner. I have also included my own theories of the Eternals Generations within this timeline, a further explanation of which can be found here.
There are still a few important events in the Eternals history that can not easily be inserted into this timeline, and these are listed at the bottom of the page. If you have any additions or corrections please contact us. For a more detailed outline of the Eternals History, please visit the Eternals History page.

1 Million Years Ago - The coming of the First Host. The creation of the Eternals and Deviant races.

26 000 years ago - The Eternal Civil War. The  First Eternal settlement of Titanos is ruined. Uranos and his followers leave the Earth. Eternals alive at this time constitute the First Generation.

25 000 years ago - Chronos' Experiment. The Eternals gain their cosmic powers and immortality. The "death" of Chronos. The first Uni-Mind is formed. Zuras replaces his father as Prime Eternal. A'Lars leaves the Earth. The Eternals alive at this time constitute the Second Generation.

20 000 years ago - The arrival of The Second Host. The destruction and sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria. The creation of the Serpent Crown. The death of Emperor Phraug and the collapse of the Deviant Empire. The Great Cataclysm.  The Dreaming Celestial imprisoned in the Diablo Mountains. We know that Ikaris was alive and an adult (he guided an ark filled with humans and animals to safety), so we can assume that so were the others of the Third Generation.

20000 years ago - The Hyborean Age begins. A series of  extended Ice Ages etc, that rocked and reshaped the world after the Great Cataclysm. Few Eternals would have been born during these difficult times, but those that were would constitute the early Fourth Generation.

10 000 years ago - The Hyborean Age ends. Civilization begins anew as the continents  settle into their present positions. Presumably, the Eternals born after the Hyborean Age ended and before the Third Host constitute the late Fourth Generation.

2500 BC - The Forgotten One rules as Gilgamesh, King of Uruk, in ancient Mesopotamia.  Makkari is born (this makes him 4 and 1/2 in Eternal years).

1000 BC - The arrival of The Third Host. 3000 years ago, during the very beginnings of Civilization in the South Americas. The deaths of Virako and Druig. Presumably, the Fifth Generation of Eternals were born some time after the Third Host and before the Marvel Age begins.

605-562 BC - Thena and Kro meet in Babylon about 2600 years ago. Probably during the Second Babylonian Empire, during Nebuchadnessar’s reign.

548-485 BC - Makkari becomes the Charioteer of Darius, Emperor of Persia, for some time during his reign.

500 BC - Death of Icarus, Ikaris adopts his current name in memory of his son.

431-404 BC - The Peloponesian War between Athens and Sparta ends, with Sparta victorious. Thena could have prevented this, but did not, an act Sersi could not understand. Athens ultimately gives way to decay, and the city perishes.

450 BC - The Olympian-Eternal Treaty. Signed during the dominance of Greece- when Zeus first learnt of the Eternals in Olympia. Thena changes her name from Azura to Thena.

64 AD - Makkari enters Rome to save Sersi from Nero’s Fire. Just why Sersi would need rescuing hasn't yet been revealed.

1456-1476 - The reign of Vlad the Impaler, the brutal monarch of Romania who put his enemies to death upon stakes, and would later become the vampire Dracula. Makkari visited Romania during this period, and witnessed the atrocities first-hand.

1789-1793 - The French Revolution brings chaos to France as the country's nobility are put to death. Sersi visited France during this time.

1823 AD - At the behest of Zuras, Ikaris enters human society and assumes the identity of "Ike Harris" in order to prepare for the coming of the Fourth Host.

1836 - Makkari is present at the Texan mission the Alamo, as the soldiers within defend San Antonio against superior Mexican forces. Although all the American soldiers were slain, nearly ten times as many Mexicans died.

Early 1940's - Makkari assumes the identity of “Hurricane” at the command of Zuras.

Late 1950's - Makkari forms the Monster Hunters with Ulysses Bloodstone, Zawadi, Dr. Druid, and, later, Namora. They battle Kro and his Mutates, and in 1958, meet the First Line.

Early 1970's - Thena and Kro meet during the Vietnam War.

About 12 Years ago - The Marvel Age begins. The Fantastic Four gain their powers.

Some years ago - The arrival, and subsequent departure, of the Fourth Host. Dr Daniel Damien, his daughter Margo, and anthropologist Dr Samuel Holden meet the Eternals. The Eternal-Olympian War. The return of the Forgotten One. The death of Zuras. Thena becomes Prime Eternal.

Some time after this - The majority of the Eternals depart the Earth in the Uni-Mind. Eros, the son of A'Lars and an Eternal of Titan, meets Earth's Eternals.

Not long after this - The remaining Eternals foil the Deviant High Priest Ghaur's plan to capture the essence and power of the Dreaming Celestial. Ikaris becomes Prime Eternal. The Forgotten One and Sersi join the Avengers.

Not that long ago at all - The return of Virako. The destruction of Deviant Lemuria by Apocalypse. Some Eternals form the superhero group "New Breed"


There are some important events in the Eternals history that, as yet, have not been given an exact date, although it is easy enough to assume when some of them occur in relation to the timeline. These include:

  • The founding of Titanos, Olympia, Polaria and Oceanus.
  • The followers of Uranos create the colony of Uranus.
  • The followers of Uranos found the colony of Titan.
  • The colony of Titan erupts into civil war.
  • Ikaris and Thena battle En Sabah Nur in Ancient Egypt.
  • Sersi defeates the Maha Yogi in Camelot.