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   This page is designed for me to let off some steam, everyday life, just being goofy, and/or write my poems.   I take it out of my witchy journal and I will do this once a week...Hopefully!   I will keep these on file for one month and then discard.   And please understand that they are MY opinions.   Enjoy!

"Witchcraft...Why is it thought to be so negative?"


   Oh...many a day I hear that Witchcraft is evil or that Witches' convert people. People who dont open their eyes, are usually the ones that say such horrible things. The ones that say these things ARE the ones who try to convert others to their way of life. Which would you rather I be in a positive light of the Moon or depressive side of your faith. Would you like for me to be miserable for the rest of my life for choosing YOUR faith or be happy and content with my current one. Many say that what I believe that I will go to hell for not believing in their God. Well to most of them I say, well see you there! I just could never grasp the idea that the devil made me do it and all I have to do is beg the Lord for forgiveness for "sinning" and all will be better. It just sounds cheesy to me. What I believe is that we are ALL responsible for our actions towards others...not an evil entity. I have always wondered if maybe Christianity was a cover up for the Satanist religion. Who knows! I wish not to start a holy war or anything...just makes me wonder is all! I know that there are plenty of good Christians out there and live as they can. They try not to convert others. But there are those who give Christianity a BAD name! In my experience, it is usually the ones who go to church showing their "richness" and if you never wore any better then that you were cast out by them, the KKK (enuff said), and ones who are just plain stubborn and not wanting to learn or read about new exciting things! Maybe some day there will be peace among all of us. That is my dream for the future of Earth. Peace among us!

   From the shadows we come.   All shapes, sizes, male, female, some cases both genders, gay, straight, bi, and color, and/or handicapped to adore Her.   The giver of life, death, and rebirth.   She goes by many names.   We gather together under the full moon, to aww at her beauty.   We gather at Sabbats to honor Her and the Horned One.   We honor the Goddess!   Blessed Be!   May She protect you throughout your travels in Life, Death, and Rebirth!

This was written by me, Brandy Wolfe.

Maybe peace will rule in our heart someday and we can disperse the hate we have created through the years!

Please remember to ask permission before using what I write! :)