I crocheted a lot for almost twenty years until I became a slave to this computer! I had a stash of patterns that I would go back to again and again, mostly because of their simplicity and because the finished product is a design I really liked. Here are some of my favorites! I am sorry but the actual patterns are not here, however these are all commom patterns and found in many current crochet publications.

Approximately 16" high and 11" wide. I always used a G hook, if possible, and that works well with this pattern. It was designed by Juanita Muner of Pennsylvania and is featured in the Leisure Arts brochure called "Crochet for Christmas 2". You make two and then stitch them together and there are other designs for the trim besides the Santa. The trims make up easily also.

Lacy Christmas Ornaments from a magazine. Christmas Crafts from McCalls Needlework & Crafts, 1984! These are so dainty and lacy and actually the crocheted part that covers the foam ball is very simple. You can use any combination of colors to make the trim. This is an old pattern but I loved making these and won First Prize in a Christmas Decorations Contest with one.

Lucky Star - an old pattern for tablecloths but can also be used in doilies. I was fortunate to inherit my mother's old Ten Cent Crochet books from the 40s and 50's and this is a common shows up in a lot of variations...bedspread, tablecloth, doily, runners,etc. It is very easy to do too!

Shell Ruffle
At the left is my all-time favorite doily pattern. It can be done in a night, if you work at it. (Grin) It is so easy and the ruffles do not have to be starched, although one can do that if they wish. You can use any size yarn or thread and it still makes a pretty piece.

Holiday Christmas Pattern

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