What a waste
Bradley Higgins

Based Anastasia by 20th century and their characters

Marie wonders if creating the coronation ball was a waste

Marie looked back towards the ballroom. All those people invited here for what? 
Nothing? Anastasia had left with Dimitri and now Marie needed to figure out what to do 
next. All the trouble setting up the ball , for what? Marie thought for a second. They 
would have a coronation ball , they would wait for Anastasia to return. Marie looked at 
Sophine "We will just put the coronation ball on hold till my granddaughter gets back." 
Sophine replied "They won't accept Dimitri.. He's a peasent". "They will if I have 
something to do about it', Marie answered.  "I went through a lot of trouble setting this 
up and  I am not going to let it go to waste." Marie continued.  The next day the ballroom 
still remained as it was ,decorations in place. It would wait for Anastasias return. Marie 
was sure it would not be a waste.

    Source: geocities.com/bradhig