Welcome to BraChan's Cherry Blossom Heaven! The place where
Bra and the beauty of cherry blossoms come together to form
the shrine I made dedicated to my favorite little saiyan. So
just as always sit back, relax, and prepare to see nothing but Bra!
Most of my content is mostly on her anyway! Hehe, well I hope you enjoy
all of it and remember, I'm open for new ideas ALL the time!
You'll also find various other types of Anime along with Bra so if DBGT,
just isn't your thing, don't worry! By the way, I hope you enjoy my new
Bra Briefs layout decked out in blue! I finally decided to make
my layout with Bra again. FINALLY! Hope ya love it
just as much as I do!


P.S. Right click has not been disabled here so if you're going to
take my pictures or anything at all please tell me and give me
some credit, please please please!! I know I'll never find out if
you take them or not but if I feel like somebody is without giving
me credit (heh, that's funny!) then I'll be forced to disable it. I'm
REALLY REALLY nice and I L-O-V-E my viewers so please don't
make me do that! -

Disclaimer:  I in no way am the owner of DBGT, DBZ, or any other Anime on here!  They belong to their respectful owners and creators.  In other words I just used some pictures for my website...I didn't create or design them so please don't sue me! I give full credit to the creators of DBZ etc. and if a picture I have on my website is yours please feel free to e-mail me and tell me whether it's okay to have it here or not. Thanks so much!   ~BraChan
Check Out the New TRL Chatroom!!
~Blue Haired ~ |*| ~BraChanBChanBuraBriefs~
Mirai Goten and I are soulmates!
:: Hot Stuff :: (Tobey Maguire or Spider-Man)