Welcome to my Guestbook!

Brutus - 12/26/00 22:17:58
My URL:http://www.skybusiness.com/route66/index60.html
My Email:Oregon
How did you find my site?: another Boxer page

Hello Maxie! I'm also an uncropped Boxer!

amber/sadona - 12/24/00 04:15:58
My Email:missouri


shelley - 12/24/00 03:40:55
My URL:blameister
My Email:california
How did you find my site?: surfing the web

i love boxers. They are great watch dogs because they look so mean and once u get to know them they are the seetest animal you have ever met. If anyone is wanting a dog but dont know what type to get i would definetly reccomend a boxer. They are great fam ly pets

Karrie Cools - 12/06/00 23:00:55
My Email:Corona, California
How did you find my site?: aol boxer search

No matter what anyone says...MY BOXER ...MERRISS JO COOLS is the most gorgeous animal alive!!! She is the best dog I've ever had or known. She is soooo smart, I cant believe it.

Dre Fenske - 12/03/00 18:18:48
My Email:Ely, MN
How did you find my site?: just surfing


Sarah - 11/29/00 17:18:03
My Email:Maryland
How did you find my site?: rabbitweb.net

I am looking for cute pics to put together a rabbit calender and am breeding mini lops thanx Bunny

paty rixey - 11/29/00 17:12:27
My Email:annapoplis
How did you find my site?: on a search for pictures of boxers


paty rixey - 11/29/00 17:12:21
My Email:annapoplis
How did you find my site?: on a search for pictures of boxers


- 10/30/00 21:29:28

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

- 10/30/00 21:29:27

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

- 10/30/00 21:29:20

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

- 10/30/00 21:29:15

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

- 10/30/00 21:29:13

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

- 10/30/00 21:29:12

I have two daughters,who raise boxers.One has show boxers and the other has pet boxers. Our boy Keneshers Chance

Forrest - 09/27/00 04:05:34
My Email:Michigan
How did you find my site?: looking for info on ears

Nice site....I just had my babies ears done....Her name is sarah....as of right now it is the only action in life that I truely do regret....no need to go into details....it is just down right....well down right BAD BAD BAD......I mean really bad. Thank y u

Kim - 09/03/00 18:32:06
My Email:Leavenworth, KS
How did you find my site?: brousing the web

I have Boxers. My female had a litter and 5 of them were white. I was just looking at the pics of adult white Boxers that were on your site.

The Man - 08/03/00 02:14:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/upsplane/homepage.html
My Email:Somewhere
How did you find my site?: You guess?

Your page sucks, but you have a great banner. To see a great page go to http://members.aol.com/upsplane/homepage.html

Lisa - 07/16/00 19:54:05
My Email:UK
How did you find my site?: through boxerworld

I liked the site very much, I really like the pictures of the boxers. I have a boxer called Harry he is brindle and white, six years old and I love him absoloutely millions, he is a great character.

Jeanie - 07/01/00 18:40:49
My URL:http://www.jeaniegmk@hotmail.com
My Email:Kentucky
How did you find my site?: Webshots.com

Linda, My friend Maxx was put to sleep 6/29/00. He was suffering from Cushing Disease (a malfunction of the adrenal gland) and a pinched nerve in his back (which caused slow paralysis. Maxx was born 1/30/91. I would like to create a webpage in his memory, could ou please help me? Jeanie

jfuess - 06/19/00 19:51:45
My Email:newyork


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