
Over the years, I have called many people "FRIENDS". Some friends were classmates, neighbors, computer buddies, relatives, church-goers, playmates, fellow employees, sometimes an employer, roommates, boyfriends, girlfriends and most often folks that shared whatever interest that I had during that period of my life. Time passes, people change, friends move to far and distant places, priorities change, and you lose touch ... yet friends live on ... in your heart forever in memories ... in the impact they have on your life.

People are so amusing! I believe that everybody has a unique and interesting side of their personality whether they are old, young, quiet, talkative, happy, moody, attractive, active, lazy, friendly, bossy, etc. It is our similarities but differences that I find fascinating! I love to people watch!

I recently met some "ANGELS", computer friends from Ebay's Giving Board at a Get-Together in Helen, GA. It was so wonderful to put faces to some of the warm, witty, inspiring and helpful posts in chat. Joanie fixed a wonderful delicious picnic dinner of ribs, slaw, pasta, etc. that all the angels enjoyed on the veranda of the Helendorf Hotel. It was a fun weekend! The town of Helen, a Bavarian village, nestled in the mountains, was very picturesque in a German motif that reminded me of the Swiss Alps. The main street was profusely dotted with quaint little arts, crafts and gift shops that we all visited.


Radar and HoneyToday finds me sharing my life with a very special man, named "Radar". His given name is Terry but he is more recognizable to most of our circle of companions by his computer screen name. Radar with his tall lanky body and red hair has the "boy next door" kind of charm which is ironic since he does live next door to me. We look like "Mutt and Jeff" together with him being 6'2". He's just a tad southern redneck ... leastways he does drive a beat-up old truck which has a good heater and a working radio. Even better, he brings home a paycheck every week from Dana Corporation where he is employed as a LAN/WAN specialist (computer networking). My Prince Charming is not a rich man in worldly possessions but my boyfriend has a kind heart with a generous patient manner.

Younger than me and born the day after St. Patrick's Day, Radar is a Pisces. If you believe in astrological horoscopes, we are destined to be a compatible long-lasting romance by our extreme opposite natures. While I am aggressive, extroverted, dominating and talkative, Radar is passive, sensitive, acquiescent and quiet. He is low-profile while I want to be the center of attention. He is a pleaser so he indulges me, which naturally is appreciated by me. His philosophy of life's problems might be "Ignore it and it will go away!" while I believe in "Do something about it even if it's wrong!"

Radar and HoneyRadar is very intelligent, particularly in the electronics field, and we share the hobby of computers. He is more of a hardware man while I prefer software. A nice complimentary combination. We also share a love for country music, sci fi, parties, Chinese buffets, and Mexican food. I have some individual interests of my own, as does Radar, but we spend the majority of our time together. I tend to get very focused even obsessed with my current projects ... kinda "one-track", while Radar is slower paced, flexible and accomplishes much in a lower key way. He is always helping me to achieve my goals. Even better, Radar is so handy at fixing thangs, and I am so talented at breaking stuff.

Radar and I both place a lot of value in honesty and loyalty. We agree that anything worth doing is worth doing right ... a pair of perfectionists. Our individual ingenuity might have opposite approaches, but we do admire, like and love each other.


I do have another very special friend, actually my "bestest friend". Once upon a time, we dated but discovered that we were better compadres than lovers. Despite occasional teasing and flirting with each other, we have a warm platonic relationship. Russ is keenly observant and very verbal so we exchange many thought-provoking conversations, discussions and email. I can always count on Russ for feedback. His words might not always be what I want to hear but his comments are always honest, non-judgmental, witty and intelligent. I really value his friendship.

Russ and I have a lot of fun together playing games. Lately its been Upwords Online, similar to Scrabble, which is extremely challenging with Russ. There is an easy-going sociable competitiveness between us. Sometimes we go out to eat together. We have several mutual friends, so I am likely to meet him at get-togethers or PARTIES.

Russ is a single divorced man but remains family-oriented. He is very caring, patient and understanding of children, his own and everybody else's kids. Russ is patriotic, civic minded, duty-bound and detests injustice, but above all, he is a gentleman. My wishes for Russ's future are that someday soon he finds a beautiful wonderful sexy lady to love and be loved ... that he will live happily ever after. 'Course she can not be the jealous type, because I want to keep Russ as my best buddy forever. Russ has his own webpage. You can visit him at Russ's Site


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