Living Room
A room for dojinshi
(aka manga-style fan fics)

Here are the codes:
Serious Comedy/Parody
Mild Yaoi Other doujin are on the same page.

The authors, and descriptions will be shown when you move your cursor over the first star.

Through the WindowArtist: 'Beautiful Dragon'
Hyoga is depressed about not having a real family.
Seiya reminds him, in an unusual way, that he does. BirthdayArtist: Akira Enomoto
Ikki's mother talks to him
just before the birth of Shun

After the SaintsArtist: Kazuko Oowada
The Boys are dismissed from the Foundation finding new work in a theme restaurant.
(My nickname for this is 'Saints in Drag') Aiolia's Little TheaterArtist: Jimu Ginya
Casios is dead, and Aiolia has a little accident while carrying him. (Twisted humor) Brood Artist- Akira Enomoto
Ikki is in the hospital with pnuemonia, and Shun blames himself.
Confession Artist: 'Beautiful Dragon'
Marin is worried about Seiya, and Aiolia sees her without her mask. Cry in the WindArtist: Untranslated
Just after the battle at Sanctuary,
Aeolia comes to terms with his feelings about Saga Don't Die, Shiryu!Artist: Hikaru Sei
Seiya brings a dying Shiryu back to life in the Galaxian
Wars- with a slightly different ending.
Harlequin RomanceArtist: Untranslated
Saori is reading a romance novel, little does she realize, she knows the main character! Interludes I Artist: Ukio
A young Aiolos meets a new friend (or is that enemy?) Interludes IIArtist: Ukio
Aeolos introduces Shura to Saga, with some unexpected results.
Love TaticsArtist: Untranslated
Hyoga visits Ikki at his appartment on a rainy day. NagiArtist: 'Beautiful Dragon'
Seiya is concerned about all the sacrifices Shiryu has made for him. PreordainArtist: Untranslated
Milo tells an unbelieving Camus that he loves him.
Remember ForeverArtist: Washino
Aiolia remembers the day when Aiolos tells him to guard Marin. SagaArtist: Washino
The time period when Saga begins to change. Shun's New AttackArtist: Jimu Ginya
Mime faces Shun's new garish attack
Tragedy #31Artist: Jimu Ginya
Ikki 'saves' Seiya from Asterion and Capella. TraitorArtist: Washino
What happens to young Aiolia when Aiolos steals away baby Athena What Kind of Story
is This?!
Artist: Untranslated
 Hyoga plays a prank on Shiryu by giving Seiya a 'funny' book to read (a porno.)
 (No pornographic images are used)
White SweetheartsArtist: Fuming
A sweet little story featuring Hyoga.

Dojinshi auf Deutsch
Aera's Dojinshi Uebersetzungen basieren auf den englischen von Sara

=Ernsthaft, =Comedy/Parody, =Mild Yaoi

Bewegt den Cursor ueber den ersten Stern um Autoren und Beschreibungen anzuzeigen.

Geständniss Kuenstler: 'Schoener Drache'
Marin macht sich Sorgen ueber Seiya und Aiolia sieht sie ohne ihre Maske. Nagi (Ruhe)Kuenstler: 'Schoener Drache'
Seiya ist wegen all der Opfer, die Shiryu erbracht hat, besorgt.

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