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recycling projects
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film canisters
plastic bags
plastic bottles

soda pop can
toilet paper rolls

For a list of junk shops and recycling places, visit this page.

Batteries - At the moment ABS-CBN's Bantay Kalikasan program collects old car batteries.  I'm not so sure if they collect appliance batteries - but I'm sure going to try soon. 

Bottles - potpourri or scent container: fill with dried flowers (the more colorful the better), scented water and top with cork.  Tie neck up in a bright ribbon or twine for a more earthy look.  

Boxes - always needed for giftwrapping, keep different sizes handy.  Good to use for utility boxes (the good-sized ones). 

Cardboard - picture frames - covered with cloth, decor for hanging around parties (cut into shapes related to party like babies for showers, balloons for birthdays, hearts for valentines), cut shapes can then be connected into a mobile - good for newly born infants - cut into shapes and use black and white to develop their sight

Film Canisters - these could make handy pillboxes, coin containers or the best thing to do with these is offer them back to film companies for them to reuse.

Paper - greeting cards, recycled paper - easy handmade-paper making kits available at Papemelroti, scratch paper for kids to draw on, shredded giftwrapping material

Shoes - old pumps which are still sturdy yet have lost their presentability can be recycled by having them covered up in cloth!  Specially if you have to go to a wedding and you need gold shoes or another hard-to-find-just-the-right-shade kind of color, just bring your old pair to the shoemaker's shop.  Locally, the best place would probably at Cubao's Marikina Shoe Expo "Shoe" place and for only (I heard) only P250 a pair.  And after you're through with that color, just go and bring (around 1/4 meter) of another cloth and have it changed at your will!

Soap leftover - shampoo

Save all your leftover pieces of soap or grate a fresh bar. Boil in 500 mL of water and simmer till the soap has dissolved. When the mixture has cooled, pour into a wide-mouthed container. A few drops of essential oil can be added for fragrance. When the mixture is cold, it will form a jelly! And voila! Shampoo!

Soda Pop Can - FISHING RIG Ó1984 (Contributed by Ilo Howard)


1 non-returnable type juice/soda (pop) can
fishing line (#10-12 pound test)
bobber (something that floats and can be used safely as a practice casing
plug which has some “heft” (a wooden clothespin)
electrical tape to hold end of line and make knot secures
fingernail clippers


When practicing, do NOT use hooks, use casting plug.
Always be sure there is plenty of space between people and check for people
or obstacles on all sides before casting.
Use old film canisters to hold hooks, bait, weights, for easy and safe


Tie fishing line around top end of soda (pop) can, placing line around can
just under rim “lip” and tie knot, placing electrical tape over end of line
to hold in place.
Wrap strip of electrical tape around lip end of can to hold know and line
into place.
Wrap fishing line around can approximately 75 times, wrapping line from lip
end of can towards smooth end of can and clip off.
Attach casting plug or old wooden clothespin to cut end of line and practice
using clinch knot.  When ready to fish, use #6 long shank hook and bobber
for fishing.
Hold soda (pop) can in one hand, with bottom (smooth) end facing target (or
With free hand, grab hold of the line just above the bobber (or casting plug
when practicing first with no hook), with an additional two feet
(approximately) between your hand and the soda (pop) can.
Aim smooth end towards target, swing the line from front to back and release
it when ready to cast forward (casting plug or bobber will be at end of
forward swing and will provide weight needed to carry line out).
Learn to cast using one hand - and give caster bonus points!

Use teams to compete against each other for casting practice ; which team is
more accurate and use average for each team; high average wins.

Enjoy - and learn about the impact of our actions on water resources;
changing oil on your car and the water we fish in or drink does not mix

Teamwork is the way to go - several sets of hands can clean up the beach
more quickly than one set . . .  and it is a lot more fun too.

Any questions, do call Ms. Ilo Howard (508) 295-0797 or write to her at Fish
Hawk Enterprises, 10 Eighth Avenue, Wareham, MA  02571.

toilet paper rolls - pencil case, stationery holder, art mobile

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