Part Three: Celestial Revelations

the 70th tale of agc

written and created by Mark Bousquet




"Of all the sights I have seen, I have never seen such a sight as this."

Dani Moonstar stood beside Eshir Maximoff, looking out across the Rainbow Bridge. Coming towards them, a sight that equally warmed and chilled the heart.

Ben-Vell Parker, the Cosmic Protector, and K'Zan, Herald of Galactus, pulled behind them the comatose frame of Galactus.




"It is time to reveal to you why you have been brought here."

Franklin Richards stood on the steps of the Hall of Zeus, looking down upon those who had come to live with him on Mt. Olympus: Canticle, the Cosmic Flame, Eros, Hercules (still in his Santa Claus garb), the Easter Bunny, and the Pumpkin King. Astoria, an Elder of the Universe, stood behind Franklin, thrilled to see that the young god was about to act.

"I hope it's booze," the Easter Bunny whispered to the Pumpkin King.

"Silence," the Pumpkin King replied, drawing his black cape tighter around his tall, thin frame.

Franklin paid them no attention. "My recent … encounter with Doom has convinced me that this age of the Everything is soon to be at an end.* Doom offered me the chance to assist him in asserting Order onto this Chaos-filled world. Once upon my return, I would have welcomed that offer. No longer. It is not I who should do Doom's bidding, but he - and those foolish Asgardians - who will do mine." Franklin collected his thoughts. "Since I have returned I have gathered you to me, a symbolic grouping of men and women for reasons I have never bothered to explain." **

"But now," Astoria informed from behind Franklin, "it is time to give you the purpose you long for."

"Drinking booze?" the Easter Bunny asked hopefully.

Power flared from behind Franklin's eyes. "To rule the Everything."

* AGC 58-64: The Players

** For Franklin's return, see AGC 6-11: Fragmented Balance




Brono and Angelica sat at the controls of the Raven, one of the few Asgardian spacecrafts ever commissioned. Angelica had long since exhausted all of her technical knowledge of the craft - how it was designed off the specifications for the old Avengers Quinjets, how it was built in Wakanda, how its frame was pure adamantium and it's surface was made from sheets of vibranium.

"This is the first place Captain America and Dani … um, you know," Angelica said, blushing.

"Is it?" Brono asked, turning a skeptical - but smiling - eye to the young woman. "And how doth one such as thee know of such things?"

"Jonas told us when we were kids," Angelica said quickly, turning to look out the side window. Ahead of them lay the Fantastic Colonies. "Do you think the Celestial Messiah will be here?" she asked, changing the subject.

Brono smiled. "I doth sense doubt in thy voice, Angelica."

She turned, wrinkling her nose. "What would make this place any different than the last thirty stops?"

"Thou lack the adventurer's heart!" Brono laughed.

"I've lasted this long, haven't I?" Angel replied, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm not just here because I don't want to run into my mother."

Brono's smile turned into a frown. "I have told thee, sweet maiden, 'twould be an honor for me to remove that problem from thine life."

Angelica hugged herself tighter. "No, Brono, that's not necessary. I'll deal with her in time, on my own terms." She let out a deep sign. "By the gods we've been in space a long time. I just want this mission to be over with."

"Your words wound me, Angel," Brono replied. "Have I not been fine company with which to spend the days?"

Angelica looked over to the Norn King, expecting his eyes to be alighted with mischief, but she found, instead, a look of melancholy upon his face. She thought of the fantasies of youth she shared with Toomi, daydreaming for as many hours each week about the handsome Norn Prince as Ben-Vell and Eshir daydreamt about epic battles they would one day win. And now here she was, on the road with Brono for nearly six months, as easy in his company as she was with any of the Orphans. Still the magical Prince of her dreams and yet also now a friend and, maybe … something more?

Not entirely certain why she did it, Angelica reached across the short distance between them in the cockpit and placed her hand on his upper right arm.

Without turning, Brono took his left hand and placed it over hers.




"To rule the Everything?" Canticle asked nervously. She had spent close to 200 years a prisoner of one who had such thoughts, the merged creation ISAAC, the Supreme Intelligence, deep in the bowels of Titan 3, and had no desire to be a part of such twisted thoughts.*

"Fear not, child," Franklin replied, the words seeming odd coming with such wisdom in such a small frame. Franklin's assemblage was reminded that there often seemed to be two Franklin Richards: one, a five year old boy, the other a wizened elder statesman. "We seek not to rule through force, but to reside over humanity, ruling them through stories and mythology. We will rule by inspiration, by cautionary tale, by mystique, and yes, occasionally by fear."

Astoria explained further, "You will be gods."

The Cosmic Flame - always nervous around Franklin because of his own connection to the Human Torch** - stepped forward. "And we're just going to rule the Everything? How does that happen? I mean, and maybe I'm stupid, but how are we suddenly going to um … become gods?"

"I will make you gods," Franklin replied, as if it were both obvious and logical. "And Astoria will be there to guide me through the process of your transformation."

"You already fit the profile," Astoria enthused, her plan now coming to fruition.

"What profile?" Canticle asked, her unease growing.

Franklin looked at her with something akin to derision and pity. "Isn't it obvious?" he asked. "Look around you, Canticle. Not just at those who stand with you, but at the buildings that surround you." He paused, motioning his hands behind him to the Hall of Zeus. "You symbolize the image of the Greek gods." The young boy looked back. "I will fill the role of Zeus, and you shall be my new Pantheon."

* For Canticle's ideal, see the first 11 issues of AGC

** For the history of Phil Sinton, the Cosmic Flame, and his connection to Johnny Storm, see AGC 12-13: Vanishing Storms




John Francis Saint stood in one of the security rooms inside the Fantastic Colonies, his arms crossed across his chest. "You're tellin' me that you think the Celestial Messiah was in here?"

"We do," Angelica nodded.

"What does he look like?"

Brono handed an image to Saint. The Security Chief of the FC studied the image carefully. "Where'd you get this?"

"From his mother," Brono answered.

"His mother?" Saint asked skeptically. "Luna? Isn't she dead?"

Angelica stepped in. "From his adopted mother, a Cotati woman," Angelica lied, figuring the truth - that Luna lived inside the Everything Engine at the Center of Everything - would take too long to explain and probably bring them no credibility.

Saint eyed the young woman carefully, then nodded once, slowly. It was a nod that told her he didn't believe her, but was willing to let it go. Saint turned back to the image. "We get a lot of people coming through here, though not as many since the end of the Eternal War.* Doom doesn't use all the dirty bio-chem attacks that Thanos did. Doom - don't get me wrong, he's as bad as theey come, but he's honorable in his own twisted way. He wants a fight, he'll fight. All out war. None of this sneaking around, hit-and-run garbage."

* AGC 50

"I'm not sure the Skrulls would agree with you on that," Angelica mused.

Saint fed the image of the Celestial Messiah into the security computer. "I'll run a scan of the image against our database," he explained. "See if we can find a match, since he wasn't likely to use his own name when registering." As the FC's security system ran its course, Saint leaned against the wall and took up Angelica's subject. "We’ve got about 500 Skrulls hanging out here. Afraid to leave. They can't go home because Doom's got control of Skrullos 2. Won't go back to their previous homes because the Shi'ar and Kree have treated them so poorly." He looked over to Brono. "Might be nice if Asgard got off its collective ass and took the fight to Doom. You guys have been playing defense for so long that the talk is you've forgotten how to go on offense."

For the second time in the past hour, Brono's reaction surprised Angelica. Thinking his back would get up over the comment, the Norn King instead turned contemplative. "I can only hope the Council shares thy view, John Francis. Angelica and I hath seen much uneasiness these past six months. The celebration that swept the universe in the wake of the death of Thanos hath been displaced by the unease at the return of Doom. Mortals are not yet ready for another prolonged war."

Saint studied Brono carefully, then began to nod. "I like your style, kid. I think-" Saint's response was cut short by a tell-tale beeping from the FC's security system. Turning to look at a printout, a look of surprise came across his face. "I'll be damned," he whistled. "We've got a match."

The FC Security Chief turned to show Brono and Angelica the printout. "And the good news," he explained, "is that he's still here."




Confusion had settled upon the assembled group, and Franklin and Astoria let their mumblings circulate for several moments before they imposed order. "We have selected you to fill certain roles," Astoria announced. "Franklin will be our King, our Zeus. I shall fulfill the role of Hera, the mother figure."

"I bet I get to be the Easter Bunny!" the Easter Bunny exclaimed, hopping up and down.

"Shut up!" Hercules/Santa roared, whirling to his left and punching the Easter Bunny square in the face, knocking him back and to the ground.

Franklin laughed, "Good show, Hercules! You are quick to anger these days, which is why you will serve as the new Ares, the god of war, in my Pantheon. And you, Easter Bunny, will serve the role of Hermes, the speedster."

"Woo-hoo! Call me Hermes!" the Easter Bunny shouted, hopping up and down excitedly.

"Quit it!" Hercules/Santa and the Pumpkin King roared at the same time, each turning to punch the Bunny in the face.

Canticle and the Cosmic Flame ignored the fight, and exchanged a curious glance. "You're going to have Santa Claus be the god of war?" Canticle asked Franklin. "And the Easter Bunny as the messenger god?"

Franklin nodded enthusiastically, and a bit of the five-year-old came back into his voice. "Christmas and Easter are religious holidays, momma always said."

"But their social imagery," Astoria helped Franklin explain, "is still important. Santa will still believe that giving is better than receiving."

"Only now," Franklin was nearly giddy, "it will be war instead of presents. Christmas will be saved for religious purposes only."

"But what about those who don't belie-"

The Cosmic Flame interrupted Canticle. "What are our roles?" he asked, shooting her a look that told her this wasn't probably the best time to be arguing religious philosophy with Franklin.

Franklin clasped his hands together. "You will be the new sun god, our Apollo, Phil, and Canticle shall fulfill the role of Artemis, or Athena. I always get them confused. The one with the bow." He pointed at the other members of the assemblage, filling out the roster. "The Pumpkin King shall rule the Underworld, and Eros, given his obvious penchant for food, drink, and sex, shall be our Dionysius."

"We're still looking for our goddess of love," Astoria frowned. There are not many to choose from in this day and age of war."

Eros stepped forward, raising a hand.

"Yes, Eros?" Astoria asked.

"Does, um, this new position come with all the food I can eat, wine I can drink, and women I can handle?"

"It does," Astoria answered.

"Count me in!" Eros said enthusiastically. "Now, when do we start?"

Franklin smiled and held his hand out beside him. Slowly, a black ball of anti-light began to form in the palm of his hand.

"What is that?" Canticle asked, involuntarily taking a step towards the Cosmic Flame.

Franklin's tone was back to the harsh, elder statesman. "I am peeling aside this layer of reality, and showing you the other side."

"Is that …?" the Cosmic Flame asked.

"It is," Franklin nodded as the ball grew quickly, now larger than the Hall of Zeus. "The anti-Everything. Otherwise known as the Void."

"But Franklin, how can we rule the Everything if we are escaping into the Void?" Canticle asked as the eternal darkness opened wide enough for Mt. Olympus to slip slowly through.

"This age of existence is at an end," Franklin explained, "and thus, the Everything along with it. Doom's plan is to defeat the Asgardian Council, then collapse reality, forcing the end of this age of the Everything, the Modern Age. The next age will then begin, and Doom will ride into the next age as its unquestioned master, asserting Order, his Order, onto the new world."

Canticle was still confused. "But what does that have to do with the Void?"

The smile that grew on Franklin's face was, to Canticle, equally inspiring and terrifying. "The Void," Franklin explained, "is where the next age of the Everything will take place. There are four equal parts to the Everything: Heaven, Hell, Existence, and the Void. Heaven and Hell are constants. Existence and the Void alternate. In this age, Existence resides where we were, and the Void is where we are now: the great and eternal emptiness. When Doom's collapses Existence, it will be reborn here, and the old Existence will become the new Void."

The Pantheon watched as the circular opening into the Void began to close as Mt. Olympus was fully through to the Void. Canticle and Cosmic Flame shared a glance at the other that said: How the hell does Franklin know all this?

Franklin turned to face his entire motley crew. "When Doom enters the Void to start the new age of Existence, he will find us waiting for him."




"Do you think this is wise?" Angelica asked Brono as they approached the quarters of the man they believed to be the Celestial Messiah.

"We have tried surprise countless times, sweet Angel," Brono replied softly, "and it e'er failed us. Methinks the Celestial Messiah shall only be found when he doth choose for us to find him."

Angelica nodded, having long since come to the same conclusion. That they believed him to still be here was a plus in that direction. "Do the honors," she instructed Brono.

The once and future King of Asgard moved to knock on the door when it slid aside. Standing in the doorway was a heavy-set young man wearing brown robes and thick glasses. His hair was a moptop of black unruliness. "Won't you come in?" he offered. "I am so tired of running."

Exchanging a surprised glance, Brono and Angelica entered the temporary quarters of the Celestial Messiah.




Adam Warlock watched the scene play out before him with great interest. He was concerned, of course, about the blank screen beside it, the one that Adam had been using to watch Franklin Richards and his new Pantheon, but if they had ventured into the Void, it was not surprising that Adam's view would be-

"The time has come."

Spinning, Adam came face-to-face with the three robed Ladies of the Engine: Luna, Crystal, and Mantis. "Ladies, what are you doing here?" he asked, wondering how they had entered the Viewing Tube without him noticing. Warlock took interest in the look of lust on the face of Mantis, the look of concern on the face of Crystal, and the look of business of the face of Luna.

"The time has come, I'm afraid," Crystal said, repeating the words of her daughter, Luna.

"For what?" Adam asked, confused.

"For the truth to come out," Mantis answered, taking a step towards Adam.

"Or at least the part we want to reveal to you," Luna answered as Mantis grabbed Adam's arms, locking them behind his back.

"I don't … I don't understand," Adam shook his head.

"I'm afraid you must watch this," a voice came from behind Adam. When Mantis turned him around, back towards the screens of the Viewing Tube that displayed the scene of Brono, Angelica, and the Celestial Messiah, Adam saw that they had been joined by Magus, Adam's evil future-self.

"What are you doing here?" Adam asked, struggling unsuccessfully to break free from Mantis' grasp.

Magus frowned as Crystal came behind him to lock his arms in place behind his back as well. "I am being forced to do this, as well, if it makes it easier on you. A deal," he looked to Luna, "is a deal, and I am bound to honor my agreement. I am told it will hurt quite a bit."

"Begin!" Luna ordered, raising her arms to touch the shoulder of each man.

Adam Warlock and Magus - the past and future version of the same man - screamed in agony as Mantis held Adam fast and Crystal held Magus tight. Struggling to keep them under control, Mantis and Crystal pushed the two men together as Luna drew upon her own power, as well as the power of the Engine, to meld the two into the same body.

For five minutes Luna performed her powers on the two men, and when she was done, the new Warlock looked up at her. "Such pain!" he screamed, then spun his neck around 180 degrees. Where the back of his head should have been now resided the face of Magus. "By the gods, it hurts, Luna! It hurts!"

"Of course it does," Luna replied somberly. "The truth often does."




"The truth," the Celestial Messiah said, sitting on the edge of his bed and staring up at the standing Brono and Angelica, "is that I am not the Celestial Messiah."

"What do you mean?" Angelica asked, feeling suddenly very nervous.

"Explain thyself," Brono ordered, taking a step to place himself between Angelica and the Celestial Messiah.

"Ah, shove it," the Messiah replied, looking directly at Brono. "Don’t come in here and order me around, you stupid misogynist." With a wave of his hand the Messiah sent Brono hurtling across the room and slamming into the wall. "Come on, back-talk now, Runaway King," the Messiah taunted as he raised a hand from the bed, holding Brono's body fast against the wall. His heavy-set body seemed to flare to life for a second, then quickly vanished and he let Brono down with a thud.

Angelica flashed a hand towards Brono, curbing his anger.

"My real name is Green," he said with an effort. "A horrible name, I know, but you know how damn existential those Cotati can be. What kind of name is Green? I begged my mom to change it, but the truth is she knew early on I was not the Celestial Messiah."

"That's the second time you've said that," Angelica said, her voice soothing and calm. "What do you mean you're not the Celestial Messiah. Luna is the one who sent us on this mission to find you."

Green looked at Angel, years of frustration beating him down to a sad state of perpetual despair. "She lied to you."

"Why?" Brono asked, coming to stand beside Angelica.

Green shook his head, his hands coming up to rub his eyes. "She wanted to make certain you were off the throne of Asgard. This whole quest of yours … it was all a lie. I was instructed to keep you going as long as possible, to keep you from being King."

Brono took a step towards the shaken youth, his hands clenched in rage. "I ask thee again. Why?"

"Because," Green replied, tears staining his heavy face, "the time has come."




Franklin and his Pantheon watched as a doorway between Existence and the Void opened near a water fountain in front of the Hall of Zeus, now renamed as the Hall of Franklin. The signature white bubble opened in thin-air, and Luna emerged into the Void.

"It has been done, Franklin," she announced. "Our move is now being played. Soon the current age of existence shall be at an end, and it will be time to create the next age, here in the Void." Luna dropped to one knee in Franklin's direction. "It is the time for a new existence, Franklin, and you shall be its Creator."

The human god Franklin nodded, and his body began to age rapidly, growing up and old. In moments where there was once a boy, there now stood a strong middle-aged man. His yellow hair grew out, down to his broad shoulders, and his beard was full and rough. Snapping his fingers, his t-shit was replaced by blue and white chain-mail. Franklin walked down the steps and passed his Pantheon to place his hand on Luna's head. "All those years I spent away from Existence, from the time of my suicide until the time of my return, it was you who helped guide me Luna. You who contacted me in the Void, who taught me the way of things, who helped train me in my powers."

Franklin turned back to the Pantheon and pointed his arm casually towards Astoria. "Astoria, my dear, your lust for power and your attempt to control me over the years have been obvious and childish. You are no longer needed."

Lightning shot out hard from Franklin's fingertips and struck a surprised Astoria dead on the spot.

Franklin turned back to Luna. "Rise, my Queen, my love. It is time for us to sit on high and watch the struggles of the mortal fools over in the realm of Existence. That is the way of gods."

Luna rose, her arms wrapping themselves around Franklin's. "The time has come," she whispered, "for the Everything to die. Unleash the Third Army, my love."




Doom stood on his training fields with his chosen heir - a teen-aged Eternal boy he had named Kang. Taking advantage of the time distortion inside Chronopolis, Doom had already aged the boy seventeen years in just over a month, infusing him with all the knowledge he would need to grow into a Conqueror.

"When will you fight again, Doom?" the arrogant boy asked. "I had thought your Army of Doom would be quick to capitalize on your victory over the Skrulls.

Doom clenched his hands together behind his back. This boy was even exceeding his own expectations. "As we speak," Doom answered the boy as they strolled through the practice maneuvers being run by the Angelux, "our forces gather on two fronts. The true battle is about to be joined. This day, young Kang, marks the end of the two strongest empires of the Asgardian Alliance."




Jump gates opened just outside the orbit of Chandilar, spilling hundreds of spacecraft into open space and out of the Surf. Aboard the main vessel, four generals in the Army of Doom: Daimon Hellstrom, Bruunhilde, Set, and Hela stood on the bridge.

Daimon Hellstrom gave the order. "All vessels, attack. Today, the Shi'ar Empire falls to Doom!"




Jump gates opened just outside the orbit of Hala, spilling hundreds of spacecraft into open space and out of the Surf. Aboard the main vessel, four generals in the Army of Doom: Pluto, Mephisto, Ikaris, and Ochken stood on the bridge.

Pluto gave the order. "All vessels, attack. Today, the Kree Empire falls to Doom!"




King William of the Beta Ray stood in stunned silence amidst a group of followers and Ambassadorial staff. It was the time of the week when King William held an open court. The Ambassadors - Kovar, Ash'lin, Dani Moonstar and even the Ambassador without an Empire, Skrull 4 - were all present, as well as nearly one-hundred regular Asgardians, and another hundred mixed Kree, Shi'ar, Skrull, and human denizens of Asgard.

A wind had whipped up suddenly, slamming the large wooden doors at the end of the stone hall shut.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Someone was pounding on the doors. "Open the doors!" a powerful voice boomed. "Your King seeks entrance!"

King William motioned for those closest to open the door and General Rhodes and Glimmer Girl moved to pull the two halves of the door open.

The crowd gasped, muttering "It cannot be!" as they stepped back, clearing a path to the throne. A powerful old man entered the Throne Room; his build was large, his white beard full and spotless, and his one good eye felled giants with a glance. Behind him, twenty warriors walked, fully armed, as if on the march to battle.

Odin the One-Eye had returned.

Behind him, an army of dead Asgardians. Among their rank walked the Warriors Three: Volstagg the Lion, Hogun the Grim, and Fandrall the Dashing. Fingers pointed, followed by whispers, at the sight of Skurge the Executioner, Ulik the Troll, Kurse, Malekith, and the Destroyer. Amora the Enchantress, for the first time in her life, felt her heart break twice within seconds as her sister, Lorelei walked two steps ahead of ex-husband, Heimdall.

At the tail of the line, walking two steps behind everyone else, was the god of mischief, Loki, smiling at all who looked his way.

Even if the crowd had not been stunned to silence by the sudden reappearance of Asgardians long known to be dead, the mixed assemblage of heroes and villains walking together would have made the crowd uncertain about how to react. Should they cheer their returned King? Or draw blades against the accursed Loki?

"Odin," King William finally said, stepping down from the throne to open his arms to Odin. "It is good to see-hlluckkkk!"

"Thine days of rule are over, impostor!" Odin roared as he shoved his sword deep into Bill's stomach, then forced it upwards to split the cyborg's heart. "The lost souls' search is over. We have come home."

Asgard watched in stunned silence as King William of the Beta Ray fell dead to the floor, his warm blood soaking the blade and clothes of Odin the One-Eye.

The returned King let Bill - a man onto which he had once bestowed the powers of Thor - fall off his sword, then ascended the short steps to his throne. Touching the large chair lovingly, Odin seemed lost in memory for a second, then turned around to look out over the assembled crowd.

His voice was as strong as it ever had been, and he waved his bloodied sword out slowly over the crowd. The world, it seemed, would not move until he commanded it. All five races of the Asgardian Alliance that he had forged stood looking back at him in silent awe. The King met their gaze, then turned to the twenty warriors that had followed him into the room.

"The Third Army has entered the War of Order and Chaos," he proclaimed simply.

Odin then gave the order to his troops. "Kill them all."




Coming towards them, a sight that equally warmed and chilled the heart.



comments to





The Army of Doom vs. The Army of Asgard vs. The Third Army of Franklin Richards.

The end of AGC begins now.





Mark Bousquet

5 June 2003

Northern Bear Productions