
the forty-first tale

written by Mark Bousquet



2201 / January


The day after the end of the Three Day Civil War. A planet in mourning. A people ripped apart. A capital city smoldering.

General Van’Rogg stood in the ruins of Kree-Lar, his mind still trying to process the damage done, first by his own troops and then by the combined might of the Angelux and Eternals. Buildings smashed, windows blown out, statues laying in pieces on the ground. He kicked at the head of the grandest statue, Captain Mar-Vell, the guiding legendary light. The man his great grand-father, Yon-Rogg, had sworn a blood-oath against.

A blood-oath lost to the greater cause of the Eternal War.

Looking around him, at the once-gleaming city that he helped destroy, Van’Rogg wondered at the plan of the Supreme Intelligence – divide, conquer, glory. He wondered, too, at the decision of General Ochken to side with Thanos. As bad as rule under the Supreme Intelligence might be, rule under Thanos would be infinitely worse.

The Kree had come a long way, Van’Rogg understood as he nodded to a group of families, eating what little was left of their food in a fire built from a burning temple. They were no longer the mix of extremes they once were – isolationists on the one hand, expansionists on the other. They were once a people of conquest and dominance. When they colonized a world, they didn’t seek inclusion, they sought to use the planet’s resources until it was no longer economically feasible to do so, and then they would leave.

But no longer. Slowly, unnoticeably, over the past two centuries they had changed. They were not overly friendly, never would be, he believed. But they did stand with the other races against a common enemy, and there was glory and honor in war - if others wanted to stand with them, so be it. Thanos’ words about the Kree’s greatness only reaffirmed Van’Rogg’s beliefs.

Strange, it was, to find comforts in the words of an enemy, but Van’Rogg had seen stranger things in his time.

Like the scene before him. Skrulls. A people without a homeworld, forced to live as refugees inside protected Kree and Shi’ar space. Van’Rogg had always thought it a needless drain on the Kree economy to have so many Skrulls to take care of, but looking at the ones before him, finding and collecting their dead, he could not help but stop and watch and feel a kinship with them that was not there a day before.

"Eight-thousand," Skrull 4 said, coming to stand with Van’Rogg. "An estimate, of course, but it looks like an accurate guess."

The Kree General nodded, "They fought well, Skrull 4. It was an honor to have commanded them in battle; I only wish I could have been on the surface, fighting alongside them. Their sacrifice shall not be forgotten." A pause as each men conjured images of the Supreme Intelligence in their mind. Van’Rogg amended his words, "They shall not be forgotten by me, Ambassador. On this, you have my word."

The Skrull Ambassador to the Council nodded inside his ripped brown robes. "How are the other members of the diplomatic envoy?"

Van’Rogg’s race tightened, "John Saint and Grennan have minor injuries, and will heal, much like my own wounds. Glimmer Girl lies in critical condition; Ikaris bludgeoned her nearly to death, but the Imperial Guardsmen are not easy to fell."

"And Empire?"

"Empire has left us," Van’Rogg spoke in a somber voice. "He fought bravely, standing toe-to-toe with Ikaris, but he was outmatched. His sacrifice is the only reason Glimmer Girl has even a chance at recovery."

Skrull 4 nodded, "I did not know him well, but Earth chose wisely sending him as representative to the Council."

"I wonder how this will effect Earth," Van’Rogg mused. "They have long tried to stay out of the Eternal War, fearful that their people would fall in love with a cosmos they were not equipped to handle. Have you given much thought to the words of Thanos? About the Skrulls and humans being linked, as the Kree and Shi’ar are linked? Of his definitions of our races as parts of an army?"

Skrull 4 frowned, "Thanos has always had a gift with words, Van’Rogg. The mysteries of the Everything may never be solved, for whose place is it to say which is a mystery and which is not?"

Van’Rogg half-smiled, "At least I can understand Thanos, Skrull 4."

Skrull 4 turned his head away, searching for more survivors, "Forgive me, General. This is a difficult time for all of us."

The two men stood in silence, letting the scene around them sink in even more. Van’Rogg always walked a battlefield after a victory, wanting to see the men whose lives had been lost, to see the damage done to the land. Actions had consequences, and Van’Rogg had long ago determined to never forget this. "On the back side of Hala, there resides our ceremonial burying grounds. We would be honored if you chose to bury the Skrulls lost fighting in our Civil War inside its walls." Pause. "Or hold them in storage until a new homeworld for your people is found."

"Thank you," Skrull 4 nodded greatfully. "I shall check with my leaders and see what it is they desire." He turned to the General, "But now you must excuse me. There is much work to be done."

"Of course," Van’Rogg acknowledged, then turned away to continue his surveillance.





Seated around the large, oval-shaped oaken table sat the members of the Council not on Hala. King Balder the Brave sat at the head of the table. To his right, Ash’lin of the Shi’ar and Kovar the Accuser of the Kree. Their faces were tense, strained. To his left, Dani Moonstar, the Valkyrie representing Asgard, and Captain America, the Cosmic Protector. At the bottom end of the table, Miss Almond, the liaison between the United Nations and the Earth Ambassador. In the middle of the table, a square holographic projection of the open-com link Asgard shared with Hala.

The image shown was John Francis Saint, behind him the floating, bulbous head of the Supreme Intelligence.

"Why aren’t we hearing from an Ambassador?" Ash’lin demanded, her voice on edge.

Saint grimaced, "Skrull 4 is on the surface, helping to gather the injured and dead Skrulls."

"And where is Empire?" Miss Almond asked, her voice cool, crisp, professional.

Saint bowed his head, then looked up, "I’m sorry, ma’am, but Empire was killed during the fight."

"What?" she asked, slamming her palm on the table. "This is outrageous! He is the finest hero-"

Saint’s words were hard and firm, "I’m sorry. He fought bravely, but he was not the equal of Ikaris on this day. His body is being prepared for shipment, and he’ll return with us to Asgard aboard the Supreme Unintelligence." Miss Almond stared blankly at the image, her mind turning over and over at the thought of having to tell the UN and UAS that Empire was dead.

Ash’lin’s face was contorted in rage, "And Glimmer Girl? Why does our report come from you, a security chief, and not a member of the Imperial Guard?"

"Because she’s in and out of consciousness," Saint answered honestly, trying not to let his anger grow. "Be thankful that Empire intervened when he did, or she’d be dead, too."

"You will arrange for her to be sent to Chandilar, of course," Ash’lin said coolly.

"Actually," Saint remarked, "I won’t. The Kree doctors won’t discharge her. Glimmer’ll have to recover here, on Hala, for at least a few weeks."

"Unacceptable!" Ash’lin yelled.

"Enough, Ash’lin," Balder commanded. "This is not the time." The King spoke to Saint, "And what of Grennan?"

"He’s fine," Saint answered. "Cuts and bruises, but nothing permanent."

Kovar asked, his voice tempered, "How is the planet?"

Before Saint could answer, the Supreme Intelligence came to life behind him, "Cleansed." Pause. "Hala is cleansed of those who seek it harm."

Saint added, "Eternals escaped with fifty-, maybe sixty-thousand Kree. Several of the Shipyards turned against us during the space battle, and they helped remove the Republicans. How many Republic loyalists-"

"Traitors," the Supremor reminded.

"-how many of the traitors," Saint rolled his eyes, "remain on Hala is a figure we can’t calculate at the present. Hala is, most likely, going to face a lot of internal strife over the next few years, although maybe we’ll get lucky and some will turn back to our side once they realize Thanos isn’t coming back for them."

Balder put up his hands, "That is enough, for now, John Francis. Asgard thanks thee for thine assistance." He looked around the table, "This is a time to grieve, to treat the injured and bury the dead."

Saint nodded in agreement, "I’ll send you a full report in a few days, Balder."

The King closed the channel, and the holographic image faded away. "We all have work to do. I suggest we do it, and reconvene at this time tomorrow. Miss Almond," he looked across the table at the somewhat-shaken human, "we all feel your loss. Although Empire’s time with us was not long, he shall not be forgotten."

The holographic image flashed on, and the Supreme Intelligence’s face filled the screen, "We need to discuss certain things now, Balder. You would do wise to not dismiss me without my agreement."

Balder bit his tongue, not wanting to alienate their newest ally, "Apologies, Supremor. Though it need not be formalized, I shall formally acknowledge your rule."

The Supreme Intelligence floated without emotion, "That is not what I wish to speak of." Balder waited for the Supremor to continue. "I wish to speak to you of one of Kree blood who has never set foot on his homeworld. I wish to discuss the future of Ben-Vell Parker."





Miss Almond sat at the center of the world, the cameras trained on her as she faced the General Assembly of the United Nations.

"It is my deepest regret," she said in somber tones, looking around the room to make eye contact with as many ambassadors as possible, "to inform the United Nations, and the world as a whole, that the Earth Ambassador to the United Nations, the hero recently renamed as Empire, and Eagle One before that, has died in battle." A murmur went up from the crowd, but Miss Almond persevered, "Empire died defending the planet Hala, homeworld of the Kree, from an alien invading force. His death came at the hands of the Eternal General, a being known as Ikaris, a being whom our histories tell us was born of the planet Earth."

"There will be silence!" the Secretary General shouted as he banged a gavel on his desk to cease the growing dissonance in the hall. "Please continue, Miss Almond."

"Thank you, Secretary General," she responded. "I have with me statements from the rulers of every world who has signed the Alliance Treaty, praising his honor and courage. He will be missed, and his death will be avenged. On a personal note, let me say that it has been the greatest professional honor of my life to have worked alongside Empire. He was a great, great hero, and a finer man."





"Right this way, Miss Almond."

Rebecca followed a security guard into the Control Center of the United Nations building. Waiting for her were the four members of power in the UN, representing the four major Earth empires: the United American States, Soviet Europe, China, and the Confederation of Desert Kingdoms. She didn’t wait for their questions.

"I know what you’re going to ask and the answer is an unquestioned yes," she spoke quickly, firmly. "Our involvement in this Eternal War is worth whatever price we must pay. Empire’s death is unfortunate, but should not be an ultimate deterrent. Let me be frank," she announced, meeting each of their prying eyes with her own, "Empire was not the right man to be Ambassador. He was weak, and far too apologetic. He was liked far too much by the others, and it was my concern that he would ultimately not have Earth’s best interests at heart. After the Civil War on Hala, there is an increased sense of brotherhood between the races." She paused, letting her words build in importance with each passing second she failed to speak. "It is my belief that Empire would not have been able to take advantage of this. We need someone who will have Earth’s best interests at heart."

"Do you have someone in mind?" the CDK ambassador asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I do," Miss Almond nodded.

"It must be Tricolour," the ambassador from Soviet Europe demanded. "She is the Chairman of the Saviors, and the highest-"

"No," Miss Almond said coolly. "We need to go outside the Saviors. What if Tricolour were to be named, and were to die as quickly as Empire has? The safety of Earth must be our highest priority, and losing a second member of our UN-sanctioned super-group would put us at too great a risk. If things had not gone the way of the Council, the Kree Empire could be entering our atmosphere as we speak, seeking our destruction. We must choose someone who will stand up for us, while still being expendable."

"And you have someone in mind," the CDK ambassador reiterated, this time as a statement and not a question. "Who?"

Miss Almond took a deep breath, "Someone who it will take some time to find, but a man who will be a bold choice, one who already has the respect of the Council, and who isn’t afraid to stand up to them. Someone the Earth populace won't care if we lose, but will respect for the duration of his tenure." She paused. "Gentlemen and gentlewomen, I ask for your permission to find Nathan Dayspring Summers." Pause. "The man you most likely know as Cable."




Ben-Vell, Eshir, Atumidunn, and Angel crowded around a monitor in the Security Wing.

"He’s dead?" Angel asked, looking at the image of Captain America.

Steve answered calmly, "He is. He died two days ago, fighting Ikaris."

"What of us?" Toomi asked. "Are we to return home now?"

Their answer came first with a frown that spread across the Cosmic Protector’s face, "There has been much debate on that."

"Is this another kid thing?" Ben asked, throwing up his hands. "Haven’t we been through this a million times, already?"

"You have to forgive us," Steve admitted, "but we are trying. It is just … at times like this, after the devastation of Hala, thoughts of all the young men and women we have sent off to War only to never see them return come back to us." The Orphans stayed silent, letting Captain America find his words, "It is in this vein that we have decided on your next assignment." Steve looked for Ben-Vell’s eyes, "You will report to Hala, and aid in the rebuilding process. We feel it is time for you to see the horror of war first-hand." He let the words sink in before continuing, "And Ben, be careful. Do not forget you are half-Kree and there are many there who will seek your company. Stay true to yourself."





Five hundred thousand Kree. Fifteen-thousand Skrull. On a platform overlooking a see of soldiers, General Van’Rogg and Skrull 4 stood facing the armies who fought for the side of Asgard. Van’Rogg felt a combination of pride and sorrow as he looked out on the troops that had made the journey to the Burying Grounds. Many more were left behind to continue with the rebuilding.

"On this day, we commit our brothers-in-arms to the soil of Hala," the General announced. "By decree of the Supreme Intelligence, the one, true ruler of the Kree people, for the first time in the history of our rule of the planet, we shall commit bodies of another race to the Burying Grounds. The Skrulls who Fate have brought here fought bravely and died hard alongside us, willing to give their lives for the greater cause. When our own kind turned against us, when our own kind sided with the great enemy Thanos, the Skrull refugees stepped into the breach and defended Hala! Look to them, soldiers of Hala. Look to them, warriors of the Kree. Look to the Skrulls and see your new brothers of the blade, your new brothers of the battle, and your new brothers of blood. Skrulls, Hala thanks you."



2201 / February



A young woman approached the tomb of Empire with a single rose in her hand. Three days ago, per the rules of so-called "President Iron Man" Amendment to the United States Constitution, there was a full public disclosure of the identity of Empire.

The young woman had wondered why her "perfect boyfriend" hadn’t called in several weeks, had begun to think that she was, once again, being discarded by a lover just as she was drawing close to them.

As she laid the rose among the hundreds of flowers that had already been laid at the feet of the large tomb, she wondered at the nature of love, and how she could have felt everything for a man she hardly even knew.




The Supreme Intelligence had barred any from visiting his new command room for the past three days. Deep in thought, assessing all he had heard and seen over the past two hundred years, the leader of the Kree Empire was formulating plans for future glory.

Upon a large screen before him, an image of Thanos, the Mad Titan. To the right of the image, a transcript of the speech Thanos delivered at the betrayal of General Ochken. The Supreme Intelligence had read the words a thousand times, would read them ten-thousand more, but his eyes were drawn, time-and-time again to the grinning visage of Thanos.

A wide grin crept across the face of the Supreme Intelligence.

Everything was going exactly as planned.


End of Aftermath.

I wish to discuss the future of Ben-Vell Parker.





Comments c/o northern022@hotmail.com





-- Mark Bousquet …

12 January 2002

Northern Bear Productions