Part Three: Diplomacy

the thirty-seventh tale

written by Mark Bousquet




"Do not trust the Republic. They are no friend of the soldier."

"Do not trust the military. They are no friend of the common citizen."

These were the words that reverberated through the mind of Kovar the Accuser as he walked the halls of the newly constructed Parliament Building. What business he had in the capital was unknown to him - General Van'Rogg had called him in from the field of battle for what he called a briefing on the status of the eastern edge's line of defense against a Wraith army.

In the Kree military, however, there were but two meanings for "debriefing:" jail or special assignment.

Kovar believed this must be a special assignment, although there was no way for him to be certain until the meeting took place. But Van'Rogg was the military officer who had spoken on his behalf when Kovar was elevated to Accuser status and had always been an ally, if not friend.

Both the Kree soldier and the Kree citizen/politician nodded to him as he walked the blue-and-white marble halls of Parliament, a nod to his position of Accuser. The Accusers had become an important part of the Kree system as the Eternal War progressed. They were warriors in their own right, but also were in charge of keeping the system free from the influence of Thanos. To all, then, they were both ally and enemy as the Accusers had the right to administer punishment on site. It required both a citizen and soldier to agree on a candidate before Accuser status was designated; the better, the Kree felt, to create a corps that had no strict allegiance to one-side over the other.

"Kovar?" called a voice from the side of the bustling hallway. "Ah, yes, it is you. Please, this way."

Kovar turned to see General Van'Rogg, one of the most respected of the military Kree, calling to him from a doorway to his right. Moving through the crowd, he saw a radiant smile upon the man's face.

"A smiling Kree is a lying Kree," as the old saying went, reverberated through Kovar's mind.





As the members of the Council talked amongst themselves, waiting for King Balder to return, Captain America, the Cosmic Protector, sat alone, thinking.

Something had been picking at the back of his mind since the return of the Supreme Intelligence, but until know he hadn't had the chance to think about just what it was that was bothering him.


Of course it was Thanos, Steve knew. Everything bad that happened had something to do with Thanos, but what ... and then it came to him. Thanos comment from earlier last year. His comment about "we have nothing to fear about the return of Franklin Richards" when referring to his side of the War.*


Thanos had never used the word "we" before, had always talked of himself and himself alone as the enemy of the Alliance. Who was the "we" he was referring to? After the recent attacks of Ikaris and Bruunhilde, Steve had thought perhaps it was they he was referring to, but they had been his allies for nearly two centuries now. He hadn't spoken of them in that way since the very beginning of the Eternal War, when he was seducing them to his side, trying to get them to commit to a position they could not escape from.

But now … now, perhaps, the "we" was the Supreme Intelligence … or was it still someone else, someone unrevealed …

Steve looked to the door to see Balder and Kovar enter, feeling very uneasy about just what was going down on Hala.

"Good news blesses us once this day," Balder announced to the suddenly quiet room.

Kovar added, solemnly, "We have reached an agreement on the roster for the diplomatic observatory mission to Hala. They should be meeting in five standard hours."





"What is it you want with me?" Kovar asked, attempting politeness, as he was led into an office. "And who is he?"

"That," Van'Rogg said, smiling, "is the new ruler of the Kree Republic. I'd like to introduce you to General Ochken, the current Ambassador to Asgard's Council." Kovar looked to the older man, scars evident from his life as a soldier. Almost all Kree joined the military, but as the concept of democracy took hold, many had turned to a political life, using the military as nothing more than a stepping-stone to a place in public office.

Truth be told, Kovar found the entire concept blasphemous. He nodded to Ochken, "Are the Asgardians as stubborn as rumored? I ran into the wake of Thor Odinson during my last run through the Eastern Edge. He had come through days before I, and tore a hole through our perimeter to fulfill an arrogant blood-oath against the Olympian god Pluto."

Ochken gave Kovar a half-smile, "The Asgardians are stubborn, but fair, I find. Thor is an exception, of course, but they blame that on the time he spends with the humans."

A look passed between Ochken and Van'Rogg and Kovar knew the time was at hand to discover just why he had been called here. It was Van'Rogg who spoke, "Accuser, General Ochken will be elected tomorrow by Parliament to lead our people."

Kovar raised an eyebrow, but Ochken waved a hand to dismiss the thought, "It is not a bought election of Parliament, merely a guess based on our most recent polling of the elected members."

The Accuser's head spun at such talk, his hand unconsciously gripping the handle of his staff even harder.

Ochken continued, "There are those in the military who will be very unhappy with my ascension, Kovar. I need not tell you why."

"You are perceived as weak," Kovar said evenly. "Your time on the Council has brought less victory and more burden to our people."

"Yes," Ochken frowned, "but an Alliance is an Alliance and sacrifices must be made."

"Sacrifice should come from the blood of the soldier, not the bread of the people."

Ochken was visibly startled by Kovar's words, and he turned with a half-smile to Van'Rogg, "You were right about this one. There is wisdom untapped within."

Rising to his feet, Kovar let his displeasure show, "I am not one for shadow games, General. An Accuser does not hide in the darkness, he stands in the light and reveals all. So tell me why I have been ordered back to Hala, when I am needed to fight the Wraith armies of Thanos."

Van'Rogg spoke to the younger Kree, "The Accusers are becoming more and more important with each passing year, Kovar. They stand in the middle of both extremes. We, as you know," nodding to Ochken, "sit on opposite sides. I favor the strength of an empire, Ochken favors the strength of the Republic."

"But we know that our true strength at this time stands in a united Kree," Ochken said from behind his desk. "Niether of us are too set in our beliefs that we do not see the value of the other side. A divided Kree people is a weak link in the Alliance against Thanos." He rose from his desk to come around to face Kovar, "Dangerous times are coming. Asgard is on edge, Earth draws within itself more and more, and Thanos, despite appearances, has retreated into the background. Whispers come to us that a massive assault is being planned, that the Mad Titan has allies yet to be revealed."

"The Shi'ar," Kovar said flatly.

"And do not doubt that they think the same of us," Van'Rogg cautioned. "But no, evidence indicates that it is others, outside the Council, that are gathering behind Thanos."

"And Asgard," Ochken shook his head. "Asgard is nervous."

Kovar scoffed, "What could make the Asgardians nervous?"

Ochken paused, then spoke silently, "True Ragnarok. It is coming, and they know that this time, there will be no escaping it. We may very well be living in the End Times, Accuser Kovar."




"Gods, the irony," Grennan, a red-skinned mercenary smiled at Saint. "The Supreme Unintelligence going after the Supreme Intelligence. Hope he doesn't hold the name of our craft against us?"

John Francis Saint, Security Chief of the Fantastic Colonies, grumbled to himself as he looked around the room aboard the rogue pirate ship, "Everything a joke to you, merc?" The Unintelligence had earned a reputation making hit-and-run missions inside Thanos controlled territory, getting supplies in when they couldn’t get people out. Their crew was a rag-tap group of soldiers, scientists, refugees and reformed mercs, but the crew was above board. Here, in the bowels of the ship, there was only a small group that King Balder had asked to assemble.

Saint barely knew anyone here by anything but their names:

Empire, the Earth Ambassador to the Council;

Grennan, a merc that Captain America trusted, and who'd been involved with the investigation of the recent string of murders aboard the Fantastic Colonies;*

Skrull 4, the Skrull Ambassador to the Council, who had never, Saint found odd, met Empire before today; and

Glimmer Girl, a sparkly skinned member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard who'd just arrived to join them.


"Well?" Saint asked, looking to Empire. "Want to tell us what the hell this is all about? Is red-boy here, right? Is the Supreme Intelligence back?"

Empire nodded. "We are a diplomatic envoy, sent by the Council to observe the Kree Civil War."

"Civil War?" Saint asked. "Since when are the Kree having a Civil War?"

"Since yesterday," Empire said flatly, meeting the gaze of everyone in the room. "Now, to detail the parameters of our mission."

"Wait," Grennan interjected. "Why us? I mean, I understand you and Skrull 4 here, being Ambassadors and all, but me, Saint and Sparkly Chick-"

"Glimmer Girl," the young Shi’ar’s eyes sparkled.

"Like I said," the merc smiled back, "why are me, Glimmer Girl and Saint here? What’s this about?"

Empire answered, "Saint is here because, as head of security at the FC, he has the respect of everyone as a neutral observer. The FC has helped in the recovery of people from both sides of the Eternal War, and has no vested interest in filing an inaccurate report." He turned to the Shi’ar soldier, "Glimmer Girl is a member of the Imperial Guard-"

"Impressive," Grennan nodded to her, letting his smile widen, "I like a woman who can kick the crap out of me. But how, or why, was a merc like me chosen?"

"You’re not a merc," Skrull 4 announced, breaking his silence. All eyes turned to the emaciated Skrull, who held his people’s highest position of Super Skrull. Within his frame held the power of all the original members of the Fantastic Four, though to look at him, hidden by the brown robes that looked three sizes too big, none would believe it. "You’re a banker."

"A banker?" Grennan asked, annoyed, taking a mission folder from the Skrull. "Look at me. I’ve got more weapons on me than most battleships."

"Weapons can be removed," Skrull 4 countered.

"Why a banker?" Grennan grumbled. "My father was a banker."

"Yes," Skrull 4 answered, "he was. You will, in fact, be assuming his identity for this mission." Skrull 4 raised a hand, "We can discuss this later. Captain America has ensured us that you will be able to complete this assignment. Empire?"

The Earth hero stepped up and Skrull 4 stepped back, always seeming to find a shadow to hide in, "Here’s the situation: the return of the Supreme Intelligence has caused Civil War to break out on Hala. From a video feed sent out by the Intelligence, troops loyal to the Supremor have brought a war-cruiser into Hala’s atmosphere and blasted Parliament, the symbol of the Kree Republic. The Supremor’s stated goal is to regain his place at the head of the Kree Empire."

"Difference?" Grennan asked.

"The distribution of power," Saint explained. "Republic and Empire are fancy words to describe each side’s position within Kree life. Those who favor the democratic approach want a Republic. Those who want glory through military might want Empire."

Glimmer Girl looked to Empire, "You gonna get confused with all this talk of Empire? Funny name for a hero."

Empire shifted uncomfortable on his feet, "It was not the name I chose. When I was named Ambassador to the Council, my government took the opportunity to give me a new identity."

"United Nations or United American States?" Saint asked.

"UAS," Empire replied, frowning. "Truth be told, I grow more and more uncomfortable with it with each passing day. But that’s a debate for another time. For the present, we have a mission to complete."

"And that is?" Saint asked.

"All we have to do," Empire answered, "is observe. We are not to engage in the conflict on either side’s behalf. We’re looking for the fingerprints of Thanos."



A TITAN SPACE-CRUISER / Outside Hala’s Orbit

"I grow impatient," Ikaris grumbled.

"You have been impatient since we arrived here," Bruunhilde smiled, running her hands through her wet, blonde hair. "You should learn to relax."

"By taking one of your Angelux as a mate?" Ikaris scowled. "I think not. The spectres of what was once alive, but now rots, is nothing I would take any pleasure in."

"There are female Eternals," Bruunhilde grinned. "Oh, but none are aboard this ship, are there?"

"Your sexual appetite will cause problems before this is over, woman."

"At least, unlike you, my brooding ex, I shall not starve."

Ikaris turned sharply, but his words were stopped short by the arrival of Makkari, the Eternal speedster. "We have intercepted transmissions between Asgard and Hala, General. Asgard fears our side is behind the return of the Supreme Intelligence and is sending a diplomatic envoy to Hala to investigate."

"That is good news, Makkari," Ikaris grinned, slapping the speedster on the back. "That will give us the evidence we need to attack. I want to reach the surface of Hala before it has all been reduced to rubble."

"Hardly enough evidence, Ikaris," Bruunhilde countered. "This information gives us nothing. Our agreement with the Supreme Intelligence only takes effect if Asgard intervenes against the Surpremor."

"Bah!" Ikaris waved his hand, "They cannot help but interfere."

"The question," Bruunhilde asked, her head turning to look out on the hangar, "is whether the Supreme Intelligence has agreed to the diplomatic mission in order to draw them into conflict and thus solidify his agreement with Thanos, or whether he has invited them there to ensure that we do not interfere."

"Why would he not want to side with us?" Ikaris asked, stunned.

Bruunhilde looked the General in his eyes, "The quicker you learn the Supreme Intelligence acts for his own benefit, and his own alone, the quicker you will realize that there is nothing to expect from him except the unexpected. Do not forget that he died when Thanos destroyed Titan." She turned to Makkari, "Increase the level of our surveillance. I want to be certain the returned leader is not playing both sides against the middle. I will not be made a fool of for the likes of the Kree." She looked at Ikaris and Makkari both, "Remember, gentlemen, we are as much in the dark as the Asgardians as to exactly where the Supreme Intelligence has been these past two centuries."




"Ho! Ho! Ho! A bottle of rum!"

Eros belched, his ever-expanding waist still expanding, and turned to look at Santa Claus, "Are you a pirate now, Saint Nick?"

"Nay, good friend! Well met! Tally-ho! All speed ahead!" Santa Claus’ wild eyes danced. "Any change in the condition of young Canticle?"

Eros scratched his stomach, turning to look at the bed beside him where Canticle Guthrie lay, shivering and crying, her bed sheets coiled tightly around her as she curled her body into the fetal position. "No," he said. "Nothing, yet. Been this way for about a week now. Keeps muttering, ‘The Machine is broken, the machine is broken, the ghost has fled, the soul is dead.’ Then mumbles and sits up." Eros looked back to a still smiling Santa Claus, "You gonna share that rum?"

"Ho-ho-ho! Have thou been naughty or nice this year, Eros?"

Eros grumbled, turning away, "I wonder if Franklin can make some women for me … big breasted, mindless women of all colors who only want to live for pleasure, preferably my pleasure …"

And beside him, Canticle spoke to people who didn’t care, "The Machine is broken, the machine is broken, the ghost has fled, the soul is dead. The Machine is broken, the machine is broken, the ghost has fled, the soul is dead. The Machine is broken, the machine is broken, the ghost has fled, the soul is dead."




In the machine that pretended to be a moon, everything was quiet.

On a sub-level, hidden away from prying eyes, one-hundred thousand Deviants were trapped, desperate for a way out of their holding cells, starting to panic as their food supplies were no longer replenished. They were bred to survive on the surface of Titan-3, shock troops for Thanos’ army of the dead and never-alive.

Deep in the bowels of Titan 3, at the very heart of the hand-created moon, a humanoid robotic shell lay on the ground, its body cracked open at the chest and split down to the waist. The faceplate was twisted to the side at an impossible angle, it’s metallic spine crushed to dust.

It was the body, almost never used, that housed ISAAC, the Supreme Intelligence, the merged entity formed after the destruction of the original Titan.

One week ago, the being Canticle knew only as the Machine downloaded into its humanoid shell to take a walk. He thought it an odd decision, but since Franklin Richards had crashed into Titan-3 and rescued Canticle, after ISAAC had slaughtered the last of its prisoners in front of her, he hadn’t been feeling himself. Repair systems had been working overload to repair the damages, while keeping a cover to outside scans that the moon was out-of-commission. Amidst it all, a walk seemed like a good idea.

It wasn’t.

The Supreme Intelligence had fooled ISAAC’s programming into thinking a merger had taken place, when in truth the Supremor of the Kree race wanted to hide away where no one would find him. In a being so illogical, that he could hide in plain site. In a place that would find itself a relic in a war that had forgotten about it and he would slowly, slowly, slowly slip away into a legend.

The Supreme Intelligence knew that legends held power. That, in times of war, the glories of the past held the present in its grip.




And as the bulbous head floated in the air of a battleship, his planet crumbling beneath him at his insistence, the Supreme Intelligence could not help laughing in the empty room.

Once again, he sat at the center of the Everything, the puppeteer pulling all the stringes.





Kovar's hands clenched absently behind his back. The return of the Supreme Intelligence brought internal conflict to the Kree, which meant, at best, a temporary weakening of the empire. Those dedicated to the war-like ways of the Supreme Intelligence fought against those favoring the Republic that had been created in the Supremor's absence these past two centuries.

The Accuser knew he would have to make a choice, and soon, onto which side he stood. Both positions, he knew, sought the greater glory of the Kree people, but one sought it through force, while the other sought it through guidance.

Kovar didn't know which side was right for him. There was a time when the thought of aligning with those who did not seek expansion of empire was as foreign to him as any thought could have been. But now, after serving for years on the council, of working with other races against a common enemy…

Now Kovar did not know. That the Kree were a superior race, he was certain, but did superiority always have to come through force? And if they were the superior race, shouldn't they have been the leaders of the Council, and not the Asgardians? Or was the Asgardians willingness to work with other, lesser races the sign of weakness?

He was a man of black-and-white; the grey middle did nothing but cause confusion. And the longer he sat on the Council, the greyer his world became.

He wondered why he ever took this position at all…





"Never," Kovar answered, flatly rejecting the offer.

"Think on it," Van’Rogg implored, coming to stand nearer the Accuser.

Kovar shook his head, "I am an Accuser, a man of action, not some office dog."

Ochken spoke gravely, "Do not be so quick to reject us, Kovar. These are changing times and if it is truly action you seek, you shall find more than you can handle on Asgard. The Accuser’s have become the balancing force between Empire and Republic. You are needed to stand in the places where balance is required. You say I have failed during my time as Ambassador, and perhaps I have. Perhaps I have took on too much for our people, and not received enough in return. You can get that, Kovar."

"If we send someone from my side," Van’Rogg cautioned, "he may seek too much. He might choose to reverse the perceived wrongs of Ochken too quickly, too severely. We need someone in place on the Council who walks between the two worlds."

Kovar paused, his eyes darting between the two men, "And what makes you think I am this man."

"Your record," Ochken nodded to a folder on his desk. "Your exemplary history as an Accuser, where you’ve managed to cut through the lies of both the common soldier and the General alike, and serve the Kree people faithfully and professionally."

Kovar bowed his head, "I will need to think on this. I am … intrigued."

"You have until the Parliamentary vote tomorrow," Ochken offered. "But then I will need your answer."

"There is no greater way to serve the Kree," Van’Rogg said to the Accuser’s back as he left the office, his decision to accept already made. He was a Kree, he knew, and no Kree that he knew could resist the allure of power.





His name was In’than, a worker, an artist, one of the few Kree to never have entered the military. Hey lay under a mass of broken, twisted metal, his eyes locked on the sky as Kree battled Kree. Fire burned everything around him, taking root anywhere it could survive. Everything was dirty, covered in smoke or ash, and the air stung his eyes and lungs with every breath he took.

He was dying and none were coming to help.

He was the unseen face of the Kree Civil War, an individual left to die while men in the sky decided everything.


EMBERS OF HALA to be continued …

"Sacrifice should come from the blood of the soldier, not the bread of the people."



Comments c/o northern022@hotmail.com


-- Mark Bousquet …

Northern Bear Productions

1 January 2002