The Dominoes After-Midnight Club
Explores the beautiful
White House Hotel

Even before Katrina struck, new challenges confronted
the renovation efforts affecting the historic White House Hotel in 2005,
and our website is updating to keep up with current developments.

Click Here to explore the fascinating White House Hotel in Biloxi
and our most recent information about this resort's restoration.

Including the 2003 Fourth of July lurk and our return in 2007!!

Click here to visit the OFFICIAL website of the White House on the Gulf resort.
UP AND RUNNING, SPRING, 2009: The information in the 'History' and 'Restoration' pages are worthy of your consideration! Don't miss them!!
Treat yourself to the official account of the Resort's restoration!

View of the Southwest Wing renovation, Summer 2004. Time and elements have begun to undo the restoration work already four year old when this picture was taken.
Below is the backyard view of the resort, barren of any kind of construction equipment or activity for the first time in four years.

In spite of the addition of a stout fence around the property, the DAMC returned twice to lurk in June, 2004. Surprisingly, after years of wide open access, the building itself was finally secured - the only way we found in was through an opening into the sub-basement crawl space in the middle wing. Of course, this didn't stop us, and it was at the White House buildings where we would host our last Lurk of 2004, about August 20th. Now resembling more a construction site than an abandoned building, the White House hotel has become an
extremely dangerous lurk.

AFTER KATRINA -Photo below is the East wing and swimming pool two weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck in August 2005. Although the trees and the chain link security fence facing the beach were all destroyed, here's a point to consider: with no interior fixtures of any kind - just the gutted exterior rock solid walls and very high, very secure windows, the White House fared far better than most buildings on Biloxi beach as the horrific storm surge had little or no effect while it passed through.

East wing of the White House hotel and the swimming pool two weeks after Katrina.

THE NEXT GENERATION, 2007 (below)--
Our Labor Day Weekend Lurk of the White House Hotel found many new faces in the club, but most importantly, a new way to get into the building without busting up stuff...

We Lurk the White House Hotel, Labor Day weekend 2007.

The Dominoes After-Midnight Club -

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