Bian Dan
Hobby Center for the Performing Arts
Bian Dan is based on the Chinese diaspora to the  Americas.  The bamboo shoulder poles, used to carry heavy loads, are a metaphor for the cultural "burdens"  immigrants often bear. The work brings
to light the issues of identity as experienced by  immigrant families.
                HT Chen Dancers 
and the Houston community area performers
H.T.  Chen & Dancers
is the proud recipient of the  2002 New York State
Governor's Award for outstanding arts achievement and contribution to communities across the nation.
Photography by Dan Navarrete & Gary Kirkman
Sponsored by APAHA
Photo Gallery
Philippine Cast
Reception at Artista Restaurant
Philippine Performances in Houston
H.T. Chen Dancers in Rehearsal
Neni's "Bamboo Family"
Neni's Personal Page
Rehearsal at Jewish Center
Gary Kirkman/
Gary Kikrman/
Blend 32 Ensemble and Dance Troupe