Shri Mad-Bhaagvat Puraan

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Skandh 11: Page 9
Chapters 10-11

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10 - Uselessness of Pleasures of This Lok and Par-Lok

Shree Krishn further said - "A person should follow his Dharm and the actions what I have told you. And he should follow good actions according to his Varn, Aashram and Kul (family) without the desire for results (Nish-Kaam Karm). The method to do Nish-Kaam (desireless) is that his Karm should be without any desire. Sa-Kaam (with desire) Karm is to attempt only to attain pleasures [and since they are done with desire, all people expects to get some kind of results out of them]. Although they are supposed to make you happy [because they are done with some desire] instead they bring you sorrows [because the result is not in your hands]. Whoever comes in my shelter, he should always do Nish-Kaam Karm, or daily chores (most necessary actions) only which make him introvert. He must not do those actions which are Sa-Kaam and thus tend to make one extrovert.

Ahinsaa (non-violence) should be followed with respect, but Shauch (cleanliness) should also be followed according to one's capacity and when it is not an obstacle in attaining spiritual knowledge. For a searcher, it is more necessary to serve Guru than following Yam and Niyam (rules). He should not be proud of anything, should not be jealous with anybody, should be skilled in every work, should not be lazy, should not love anybody intensely, should love his Guru, should not pick bad characteristics in anybody's behavior and should not talk uselessly. His ultimate wealth is soul, therefore he should see the soul in everybody and everything. Neither he should love something because of any reason, nor he should hate something because of any other reason. He should behave indifferently.

Uddhav Jee, As the fire is different from wood to which it lights, in the same way both the bodies, this physical body made of Panch-Bhoot and the minute body made of mind, Buddhi etc 17 elements, are visible and unconscious (Jad) respectively. And the soul which knows them and illuminates them is self-illuminated. Bodies are mortal, many and Unconscious (Jad), while soul is immortal, one and conscious. Thus soul is different from body. When a fire is lighted in wood, it takes all the characteristics of wood - production, existence and destruction, being long or short, variety of wood; but in reality, it has no relationship with those characteristics; in the same way, when soul considers itself as  body then it, in spite of being without these characteristics, seems with the characteristics of that body - unconsciousness, immortality, tangibility (physical existence), manyness.

In fact, both these bodies - physical and minute, have been created by Eeshwar-controlled Maayaa. When Jeev is considered as body and body is considered as Jeev, then only it is assumed that this physical body takes birth and dies and this minute body comes in this world and goes from here. When one understands the Swaroop of the Jeev, then all these birth and death and coming and going are no more there. The root cause of birth and death is only A-Gyaan (ignorance), therefore one should always try to know one's own real Swaroop - soul. This real Swaroop is situated in itself beyond all Prakriti and world. It has no other base

If you think that the doer of the Karm and the enjoyer of the sorrows and pleasures are many; and world, Kaal, Ved and Aatmaa are immortal, then this is also not true. Because in this way, the states of Jeev, birth and death which are related to Kaal and its parts (year, hours etc), will not be proved because of the immortality. Besides, here also the Jeev seems to be dependent; because if he is free then why should he want to suffer sorrows? Thus even after pleasure problem is solved, sorrow problem will still remain; and the Jeev will not be able to attain Mukti. When Jeev is dependent and helpless then he will neither be able to enjoy Swaarth (good for himself), nor Paramaarth (good for others).

If we assume that who know to do Karm, they live happily; and who do not know how to do Karm, they have to suffer, this is also not true. Because it is seen many times that who make efforts they don't get anything, and fools never feel any kind of sorrows. In this case being proud of making efforts is also useless.

Hey Uddhav, The pleasures of Par-Lok are also like the pleasures of this Lok; because there also they compare among themselves (who are equal in my status and who are lower than me?). Who have more pleasures are the subjects of jealousy and lower people are the subjects of hatred. There also Punya (results of good deeds) get diminished everyday and one day all Punya are finished. There also, many obstacles are expected in fulfilling one's desires. And even if the desire is fulfilled through Yagya etc then whatever is attained, I tell you their type : the man who does Yagya, when he goes to Swarg and there he enjoys the fruits of his Punya Karm. According to his Punya he gets a shiny Vimaan and enjoys the pleasure of being with Devtaa women riding in that Vimaan. Gandharv Gan sing his praises. Other people are attracted to his beauty. His Vimaan can go anywhere and its bells ringing sound echoes in all directions. He is so busy in his pleasures that he forgets that one day his all Punya will finish and he will be thrown out of Swarg. So till his Punya are there, he enjoys Swarg; but when his Punya are finished, he is thrown out from there, because the Kaal's Gati (characteristic) is like that only. If anybody loses control over his Indriyaan, or performs sacrifices of animals against rules, or start worshipping Bhoot, Pret etc, he definitely goes to Narak (Hell). In the end he roams around in darkness and in ignorance. 

Whatever Sa-Kaam Karm are there, all are the causes of sorrows. The age of all Lokpaal and Lok is only one Kalp, therefore they all are scared of Me. Leave others, even Brahmaa Jee is also scared of Me, because his age is also time-limited - only two Paraardh. Sat, Raj, and Tam - these three Gun inspire Indriyaan to do Karm; that is how they do Karm. Jeev under the influence of A-Gyaan, considers these Gun and Indriyaan as its own Swaroop and bears the results of Karm done by them - means, pleasures and sorrows. Till these Gun are unequal in proportion, i.e. there is pride of "I" and "mine", man does not know the oneness of his soul. It seems many and till soul's manyness is there, the man has to live under the control of Kaal and Karm. And till he is dependent (on Kaal and Karm), he has to fear from Eeshwar. Who believe in "I" and "mine", "manyness" and "dependency" of soul, do not go for Vairaagya and do extrovert Karm only and get only sorrows and indulgence in pleasures. Hey Uddhav, When Kshobh occurs in Maayaa's Gun, then "I" - the soul - am called by Kaal, Jeev, Ved, Lok, naturre (Swabhaav), and Dharm etc names. 

Uddhav Jee asked - "If these Jeev and body exist because of Gun only, then why doesn't Jeev get bound with Karm and their results (sorrows and pleasures); and if this Jeev is not related to body then how does he get bound? How does a bound or free man behave, how is he identified, how does he walk, how does he eat, how does he sleep?"

11 - Characteristics of A Bound, Free and Bhakt

Krishn said - "Dear Uddhav, This soul is bound or free, this can be explained only through Gun, not with the viewpoint of Tattwa. All Gun are originated from Maayaa (A-Vidyaa or ignorance), they are like magic. Although this whole Universe seems to exist because of Maayaa, but in reality it is not there. Both, Aatm-Vidyaa (spiritual knowledge) that helps people to attain Moksh, and A-Vidyaa that binds people are my eternal powers. They are created only through my Maayaa. They don't exist in reality. You are intelligent, just think, Jeev is only one; it has been created from my part, so he is like me. When he has the spiritual knowledge, he is Mukt (free), and when he has no spiritual knowledge, he is bound.

Now listen the difference between free and bound Jeev. Jeev and Eeshwar stay in one body as the controlled and controller. Know like thus, that this body is like a tree, heart is the nest, and two birds, Jeev and Eeshwar live in this nest. Both are conscious that is why both are alike. Since they are inseparable they are friends. The reason of their staying like this is only Leelaa. In spite of so much similarity, Jeev enjoys the fruits of that tree (pleasures and sorrows), but Eeshwar just witnesses it. In spite of being only witness, Eeshwar's specialty is this that He is greater in Gyaan, prosperity, joy and capacity than the consumer Jeev. Besides Eeshwar knows His own form and the outside Universe, but Jeev knows neither himself nor anything else. Thus Eeshwar is free because He has knowledge, and Jeev is bound because he has no knowledge.

Thus Hey Uddhav, A knowledgeable person is always free. As a person keeps no relation with his dream body; in the same way a Gyaanee person doesn't keep any relation with his physical or minute body; while an A-Gyaanee person keeps his relationship with his physical body, although he has no relationship between them. This body is dependent to Praarabdh (Destiny). Whatever physical and mental action he does, they are all through he inspiration of Gun, but an A-Gyaanee person presumes himself as their doer, this Ahankaar binds him with those Karm and their results [thus he comes and goes in the world repeatedly]. On the other hand Gyaanee person doesn't consider himself as doer, rather he consider only the Gun as doer that is why he is not bound to those Karm and their fruits.

Who treat all equally, neither gets happy getting respected nor get angry at their insult; neither get happy on getting comfort, not are sorrowful being at pain; neither praise anybody if he does good to them, nor say bad about about anybody if somebody does anything bad to them; as if they are Jad (without consciousness) and do not feel anything. if you cannot stabilize your mind in Brahm then do all Karm for me with indifferent mind."

Uddhav Jee asked - "Hey Bhagavan, All great saints sing your praise, tell me, according to you, what are the characteristics of a saint, and which Bhakti saints respect most. Kindly tell me the secret of Bhakt and Bhakti also. There is nothing separate from you, still you have taken this body with your will, that is why only you can tell me the secret of Bhakti and Bhakt."

Krishn Jee said - "My Bhakt is always kind. He never feels jealous and always tolerates greatest sorrow without any grumbling. Aim of his life is truth and he never even thinks of Paap. He treats everybody alike and does good to everybody. He does not have desire for sex. He is disciplined, sweet-natured and pious. He does not collect things. He does not make any effort for anything. He eats limited meals and lives peacefully. His Buddhi is stable. He depends on me only and is always busy thinking about me. He is of serious type and patient. He has control over hunger, thirst, sorrow, love, birth, death. He does not wish his own respect from anybody, but he himself respects everybody. He is good at explaining things about me. I have described you the human Dharm according to Ved and Shaastra. By following it your heart becomes pure, otherwise you get sorrows. But who leaves them too for my meditation, he is a greater saint. He does not need to know my size, who I am, or how do I look. He just does my Bhajan. They are my great Bhakt in my opinion.

Hey Uddhav, He should do the Darshan, worship, service, prayer, saluting by joining hands to my idol or my devotees. He should do Keertan (recitation) of my Leelaa, hear my stories, and whatever he gets should offer to me and request me with servant-like feelings. He should celebrate Janmaashtamee, Raam Navamee etc festivals himself and help temples etc to celebrate them with great enthusiasm. He should travel to my places on my annual days. Initiate himself with Vaidik or Taantrik method, observe my fasts, build gardens, temples etc for me. Serve, clean decorate my temples like a servant. He should not be proud of anything. He should not make propaganda of anything what he has done.

Whatever he offers to me, he should not use that for himself, and not only the offerings, he should not do his own work in the light of the lamp lit for me. He should not offer anything to me which has already been offered to other Devtaa. Whatever he considers dearest to himself, he should offer it to me. Thus it gives him unending results.

Soorya, Agni, Braahman, cow, Vaishnav, Aakaash, Vaayu, Jal, Prithvi, soul and all living beings all are my worshipping places. He should worship me in Soorya by Rig Ved, Yajur Ved and Saam Ved; in Agni by Havan; in Braahman by serving him (feeding); and in cow by feeding her green grass; in Vaishnav by meditating; in Vaayu by understanding chief Praan; and in Jal by offering Jal, flowers etc; in Vedee by secret Mantra; in soul by appropriate pleasures; in all the living beings by treating them alike, because I am present everywhere as soul (Aatmaa). Bhagavaan with four arms carrying Shankh, Chakra, Gadaa, Padm is present in all these places. Imagining my this Swaroop, one should meditate me. One should exercise both ways to cross this ocean-like Universe. Hey Uddhav Jee, Now I will tell you a very important and secret thing."


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Created by Sushma Gupta on 3/9/02
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