The first website I found was very helpful if it were to be used with a project. On this site most of the page is divided by different people. These people had played some kind of role in the Russian Revolution. There are also other links to such as Events and issues in Russia which includes information on World War I. It tells you about the aftermath of World War I, the Bolshevik rule, and how the Soviets took charge as well. Behind each link is a helpful description of exactly what the said person did during the Russian Revolution. Another set of links has the names of political parties that were in Russia during the revolution. Some of these parties included the Bolsheviks and Anarchists. The last set of links under the political parties set is a list of names of people who were not from Russia. These people witnessed the revolution in some way sort of like reporters. So over all I would say that this would be a great site for research. If I were to do a project on people of the Russian Revolution I would defiantly go here. 
The Russian Revolution:; 7 March 2005.

The Second site that I found was packed with information. This site was nothing like the last site, but in a way it was because it to is packed with information. The layout of the site is also very different. This site looks more like a report and not a database. However, there were topics such as the background of the revolution and some of the Soviets of the time. The different categories were spread out separately and talked mostly on the subject that it is titled and did not drift off topic. Each section varied in size depending on the topic it discussed. There weren’t any links to any other useful sites sadly. There are downsides to this site however one of them being no links to other useful sites. I also think this site is a bit lengthy. I would probably just skim over it and pick out the things I needed because it seems discouraging to read because of its length. So in short some people may say it was an abundance of information and a great help but I just think it’s too long.
The Russian Revolution:, 7 March 2005.

The last sit I found was a lot like the first. Also like the first site the main page also includes links to other resources where one can find information on the Russian Revolution. However, it is way better than the second because it provides an abundance of links that lead to sites with other information on the main parts of the Russian Revolution. One plus side of this site is the fact that it is updated often. This shows that people are still researching the Russian Revolution and finding out new information. Each group of links is separated by a large heading, such as “The February and October Revolutions” and “Political Parties and Movements.” It is also separated in the order in which the events occurred. This is quite useful and makes the website easy to navigate. It also makes the researching experience less painful but then again I’m not a big fan of the red background on this site.(hurts my eyes) With that aside this website would be an excellent source of information to find out what went on in the Russian Revolution. It provides an abundance of information and as well as links about important events and people during the Russian Revolution. So despite the hideous red background this site would be the best out of the three I think.
The Russian Revolution:; 7 March 2005.