Imagery A

1. These stanzas from the “the Rime of the Ancient Mariner” show the Mariner’s changing attitude toward the creatures of the sea. What is the Marine’s attitude in the first stanza? What image reveals this attitude? The Marines attitude is in the first stanza seems to be scared. “Thousand thousand slimy things lived on; and so did I.”
2. What is the Mariner’s attitude in the second stanza? Analyze the imagery that reveals this change. The Mariner’s attitude in the second stanza appears to be intrigued by all of the colors and movement of the slimy things.
Think of a pet you can describe easily. First, write a description, which reveals a positive attitude toward the animal. Then think of the same animal and write a description which reveals a negative attitude. Remember that the animal’s looks do not change, only your attitude changes. Use imagery rather than explanation to create your descriptions.
  The animal with it's slick black hair scurried around the floor like a fuzz ball with legs. The rat like creature scampered around the floor with it's greesy hair that was like fuzz.

Imagery B
1. Read the passage. How does Hujuelos create the auditory imagery of drumming? In other words, how do the words imitate the sounds they represent? He describes what kind of object is making the noise and then tells you what the sound is like.
2. Hujuelos repeats the word then eight times in the passage. What does this repetition contribute to the auditory image of the drumming?  The repetition adds a sense of importance to the drumming and makes you hear the blended rhythms and sounds being played.

Imagery C
1. Although the narrator “looks into the distance,” the images are primarily auditory. What are the auditory images in the passage? What mood do these images create? The auditory images in the passage were her father’s voice and her sisters, barking, hummed.
2. The last sentence of this passage contains an olfactory image (the musky odor of pinks full the air). What effect does the use of an olfactory image, after the series of auditory images, have on the reader? It helps the reader to feel as though they were there when that is going on because it gives them more detail to help describe the scene.

Imagery D
1.) What feelings do you associate with images of dusty mountains and dry earth? The feelings I associate with the images are exhaustion and lonesomeness
2.) These are two images associated with land in the third sentence. Identify the two images and compare and contrast the feelings these images evoke. The two images are “the water seeped back into the ground” and “the earth was parched again” they both deal with being thirsty and quenching that thirst.

Imagery E
1.)      Paraphrase the image of the first two lines. What mood does the image create? A woman drew her long black hair out tight … And fiddled whisper music on those strings” The mood that the image creates is sad.
2.)      List the auditory images in these lines. How do these images help create the mood of the passage? The auditory images are “long black hair,” “fiddled whisper music,” “And bats with baby faces in the violet light.” The images help create the mood of the passage by focusing on darker objects.

Write a sentence which contains an image that captures the taste of something you hate. Your image should contain an adjective used as a noun.
The foul taste was as if I were eating sunblock. The outercoating was smooth and glistening in the hot sun, cooking the coconut
Detail: A
1.)      What effect does the detail( the spoiled hare, the rancid  butter, the swollen veins, the sweaty forehead) have on the reader? It give the reader a feeling of disgust.
2.)      How would the meaning of the sentence be changed by ending it after himself? You wouldn’t get the picture of what the man looked like so you wouldn’t be as grossed out.
Apply: Write a sentence describing someone with disgusting eating habits. It must be one, correct sentence; and it must contain at least three vivid details.
The obease man, with greesy fat roles all over him gouged the giant slab of under cooked meat.
Detail: B
1.)      The first sentence is a general statement. How does the second enrich and intensify the first? The second sentence used telescoping to better describe the man.
2.)       Contrast the second sentence with the following.
When he blew the tuba, his face turned purple and his cheeks puffed out.
Which sentence more effectively expresses an attitude toward Tomasito? What is that attitude and how is it communicated? What is that attitude and how is it communicated? The second sentence expresses the attitude of being some what comical.
Apply: Describe someone jumping over a puddle. Your first sentence should be general, stating the action simply. Your second sentence should clarify and intensify the action through detail. Share your sentence with a partner.
The boy jumped over the shallow puddle. The boy sprinted towards the puddle and chaged his legs for the leap across the puddle.
Detail: C
1.)      Who was J.P. Morgan? What is a Turkish bath? What picture comes to mind when someone is said to look like a butcher? How do these details contribute to the point Charley is trying to make? J.P. Morgan is a salesman and a Turkish bath is a sort of market. The picture that comes to mind is an aggressive person that won't take no for an answer.
2.)      How would the passage be different if Charley said J.P. Morgan would look like a baker in a Turkish bath? It would make him sound weak and too sensitive.
Detail: D
1.)      Churchill draws attention to the contrasting sides of Henry VIII through detail. How is the impact of this sentence strengthened by the order of the details’ presentation? It is strengthened by diction and by detail.
2.)      What is Churchill’s attitude toward Henry? What specific details reveal this attitude? Churchill's attitude was disgusted about how Henry was two-faced and could easily stab you in the back if he had reason.