Discussion Form 2
Democracy is probably one of the best governments the world has. But like all things it does have strengths and weaknesses. It’s defiantly better than a Monarchy or any other one that we have a choice from. But like I said before it does have strengths and weaknesses. Probably one of its greatest strengths is that it gives the power to the people. But that can also be a weakness because it might not be the best choice that the people make like electing a president. We have had some bad one may I remind you of Nixon and water gate. But since the founding of America it has been a democracy and it probably always will be one. If I had to choose though and a lot of people would probably agree that a democracy is the best choice for a government. I like the idea that the people get to with hold the power instead of the wealthy any one can vote. Since we get to vote for leader and the majority wins it’s probably what’s best for the country. Instead of one person with all the power every one gets it. We also get freedoms like free speech. In another government like a military dictator ship if someone said they didn’t like the leader they could be killed or just “disappear” like a lot of people did under the reign of Saddam. About the only time we didn’t have a choice was when people were drafted and that was to serve their country. So since the people get the power I would defiantly choose this over any other government.
I have to agree with Brett Preston on this one guys. Democracy is probably not the best form of a government. The fact of the matter is that we just haven’t come up with a better one. I like the definition he you as well “Democracy is defined as: a government by popular representation, also a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but is indirectly exercised through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed, and a republic.” But I have my own Definition and it is Democracy: It’s a form of government because it’s the best one we could think of at this time.
I also have to agree with him that I too like the fact that the people hold most of the power and not a single ruler. Also I agree that other nations without democracy are envious but I don’t think there a jealous of our government. I believe they have just been brain washed to hate it.  They are taught and forced to hate it and like theirs the best. I also disagree with the fact that if a lot of nations have democratic government they will alienate the ones that don’t. But I guess it is a possibility, if people vote on it and decide to go blow a non-democratic nation off the face of the earth then sure it could happen. There is one more thing I do agree with you on though and that we are having a major influence on the countries around us, well that is, except for Cuba. Japan I know for a fact changed there government after World War II. Then again we did what we are doing to Iraq now and that is changing it for them and occupying the country until they do it right. In general though I do agree with you.