World War I
This site was very well put together and looked very professional. It looked as if a large history corporation had put it together or something like that. When you look at the homepage you can see many different links on the left hand side as well as up on top of the page. The site had links like How it Started and Biographies. When you clicked on a link an abundance of information was presented to you on the specific topic. It gave u dates and names of people that you could look into further on the site. I would find this very useful if I was doing a project at school. When I looked around the site some more I clicked another link that was about the causes and how WWI began. There was again an abundance of information about some of the stuff we have already learned about and other information that went into some other subjects more. If I were to have a need to get information on World War I I would definitely use this site just for the fact it had so many links.
Michael Duffy,, World War I 9 Feb. 2005

The second site I found was World War I, Trenches On the Web. This site has many different links, pages, and separate subjects about World War I. I found that the instructions on how to use this webpage and on how to reach different sites on the page are very useful. The first section on the site is a reference library that contains a map which consists of the many different subjects on the website like battles and so forth. The page on weapons is good and is as well as my favorite. The weapons section has an archive of pictures of the biggest guns used in World War I. The pictures are really cool and they also help me see what it was like. There is also a virtual reality section that contains computer generated images of World War I planes, guns, and vehicles. There are detailed maps on the battles that took place in World War I and these helped me to visualize the battles and see what happened during those battles. There is also an abundance of biographies on the site. The biographies include Queen Victoria, Sir Edward Grey, Franz Ferdinand, Otto von Bismarck, and Franz Joseph and may more.
http://www.worldwar1.comWorld War I, Trenches on the web 9 Feb. 2005

The last site I found was a great find. It provides you with links to many sites on every aspect of the First World War. It is also set out in an interesting format. The site is in paragraphs talking about the war and giving different interesting facts and information on the war. Also, throughout the paragraphs important words are highlighted and these highlighted words are links to other pages. The words that are highlighted are things like names of particular battles, people or event. There were also many pages on interesting things such as recollections of the war and panoramas of trench life. This site really helps you visualize what it was like in your mind. It helps to make the war real to the present day person. The different paragraphs are also separated into different sections like The Great War, Campaigns and Battles, The Social Impact of War, Debates, and World War, The War in Headlines, and the History Trail. There are even pages for the little war junkies titled World War I: Curriculum Bites. One of my favorites though was I learned where the first shot took place which was in a small Belgium village. World War I 9 Feb. 2005