The Behcet's community lost a wonderful member and lady on February 23, 2007.

Myrna Jane Birch (MJ as she was well known) passed away in Vancouver, Canada. On the return from a recent trip she fell ill and was hospitalized after falling victum to a super bug. With her family by her side she faught as hard as possible. Unfourtunately due to her weakened immune system it proved to be too much of a match for her. She leaves behind a wonderful family, loving friends and her Behcet's family.

Myrna was an inspiration to us all and remained a fighter until the end. She didn't let Behcet's get in her way of living. On her last visit she was laughing and telling us the story about how when she was in her younger years she became shipwrecked for days in the ocean. Readers Digest did a nice piece on the story. She was also a Registered Nurse (retired) and tried to work effortlessly to educate the medical community in British Columbia.

She was the only Canadian to ever receive Campath Therapy in Cambridge, United Kingdom. A highly controversal venture but one  treatment option she found to have helped tremendously. Unfourtunately due to unforseen circumstances the program was cancelled. Myrna had symptoms of Behcet's since in her early twenties but was not diagnosed until 1991with neuro-Behcet's and started on the Campath in 1999. You can read more about the treatment here.
Campath Therapy.

MJ was best known for her zest for life,  her grand sense of humour and her love of cats. Which just so happened, her cat TY saved her life in 2005. You can read their story here at: Ty's a Hero

She was very generous with her time and was always willing to help out another Behcet's sufferer. We feel very fourtunate to have had the opportunity to meet and work with MJ over the years. The only solace we can take in this is knowing that she is in a better place and is free of the pain of BD.

Goodbye dear friend, you will be sadly missed by us all.

Myrna Birch shown here with her beloved cat Ty.
Myrna Birch shown here after graduating as an RN
Myrna Jane Birch
August 1938 - February 2007
"It doesn't cost anymore to look healthy than it does to look sick"

Myrna J. Birch
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