


March 2009

Added a DWP page

Added more in the Melissa Etheridge song fic series to the CSI page

Added 2 fics to ST:V page


I, like many other’s, am a fan of Fan Fiction.

I, like many others, also decided to make my own site.


Here you’ll find fan fiction containing the main ladies of the shows. (With the exception of SVU fiction in which Casey Novak does not currently appear)

Some are paired with original character’s in the stories, in fact there is at least one per



Please don’t take my stories. All of the stories have only been beta-read by me,

So if there are any mistakes blame me. Before continuing on to the story pages

please read the disclaimer below.

Barnaby ©


ªStar Trek: Voyager§






ªThe Devil Wears Prada§







Within this site you will find fan fiction that contains two females expressing

their feelings for one another and some stories may contain content that may

offend some readers. Warnings have been placed on the stories with

explicit content.


©2006 Barnaby productions