
Darkor caught his breath as the cry of "hatching" was issued throughout the entire Weyr.  He could hear S'vaj ordering Kalina and B'roque to the front of the group heading towards the sands, but all the while the young boy was dashing up to his weyr and grabbing desperately for his white Candidate's robe.

Darkor hurried down to the sands, just in time to meet up with the other Candidates as they filed onto the sands.  Two of the eggs began to rock slowly back and forth.  The larger of the two eggs hatched to reveal a wet, slender blue dragonet.  It stumbled over to Selkor, who announced the dragon's name to be Perrinth.

The other egg was shattered, spilling a tiny green into the world.  She headed straight towards Valmak, and he said loudly, "Her name is Folith!"

A green and a brown then hatched, heading for Nia and Rogir. 

Darkor cast a worried glance over to Tania, the only Candidate who remained besides himself.  The last two eggs hatched at almost the exact same time, revealing a pale blue dragonet and his dark green clutchmate.

Ezhereth crooned to the two encouragingly, and they quickly seemed to hop-skip over to the last two Candidates. 

The blue stopped in front of Darkor, who suddenly felt himself surrounded in a rainbow of facets. 
I am Briamath, Darkor!

"He says that his name is Briamath!"


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