Siriketh's Weyr

Shallie leads you back to the dragon's ledge, her eyes twinkling with excitement.  "Meet Siriketh," She says excitedly, gesturing to the huge green dragon on the ledge.

"She's great," You say.  This has been your reply to every single dragonrider that has ever shown you their dragon.  They all think that their dragon was the best of any color that has ever hatched on Pern, and you don't want to have a dragonrider angry at you.  "What was the hatching like?"

It was wonderful, Siriketh says, turning her great faceted eyes on you.  But I shall let Shallie tell you all about it.

"As far as I can remember, it was something like this...."

"Call in the Candidates!" E'lan yelled as the dragon hum began to fill the Weyr, all dragons quickly blinking
between to their ledges in the hatching grounds.

Shallie hurried onto the sands excitedly, watching as the girls that were standing for the queen egg came on the backs of five bronze dragons.  She was glad that she wasn't standing for the queen; a few of the girl's faces were white with fear.

The first egg split, revealing a shimmering bronze dragonet.  As he made his choice, two blues hatched, followed by a brown.  After that there was a green and a blue, and another brown.  Shallie was repeating to herself that she was not going to stay here standing, even if she had the last draognet that hatched.  After all, it had only been seven eggs.  There were ten eggs left.

Suddenly, two of the eggs began rocking, and hit each other.  The two dragonets inside became tangled and confused.  One was a green, and the other a green with...  Blue wings?

Shallie broke into a run for the pair, watching as the artist Werane followed slowly behind her.  The two became untangled with the approach of the two girls, and the green turned to Shallie.

I am Siriketh, Shallie!  That annoying little Cesiyath thinks that she's better than me.  There's something to laugh about! The little green said, nudging the startled girl with her nose again.

"Of course, Siriketh, you're the best in the world," Shallie said, proudly holding her head up high as they walked out of the hatching sands and to the Weyrhall.

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