Tekka's Stats

Name: Tekka

Species: Firelizard

Color: Brown

Personality: Very demanding and spoiled, Seharia tries to discipline him, but she spoiled him rotten when he was a hatchling, so now he knows only about being spoiled and petted. Might as well be a feline, for he doesn't act like a firelizard at all, but a feline or a lap canine. Thinks that he's the most wonderful brown in the world, which he most definately isn't. However, he is very attatched to Seharia and gets angry whenever she goes between if he hasn't picked up a referance point from her mind.

Appearance: A light, wood-brown coloration, Tekka is a badly-proportioned brown with a large wingspan and a large head. He looks like he's going to fall over on his face at any moment, for his head appears to weigh quite a bit. He's small for his size, too, which is embaressing to Seharia to no end. Has a rather embaressing (for Seharia) tendancy to flirt with the gold firelizards around him, which Seharia absoloutely hates.

Ablities: Quick to turn, Tekka has a very bad endurance and almost never manages to last an entire 'Fall. His abilities are more like an average or slightly small blue firelizard's, rather than a brown's.