Seharia's Weyr

As you enter the weyr, a soft, gentle humming issues from the main room, and you take a step further inside to hear who it is singing. You really should be changing glows for everyone right now, but whoever it is does have quite a good singing voice....
Suddenly, you are pounced upon by a chittering brown flit, which wastes no time in shrilly calling out to the person who's singing just a few meters away.

A girl of about 16 or so rushes into the room, and whistles sharply. The brown flit returns to her shoulder, and begins to clean himself not unlike a cat does, acting as if nothing had happened. "Sorry about Tekka over there," The girl smiles apologetically, brushing her black hair out of her eyes. "Tekka just knows that I don't like to be disturbed when I'm singing." At your hasty apologetic look, the girl adds, "But I don't really mind too much, to be honest. I just feel like... I'm somewhere else whenever I start to sing, and I get upset whenever people make me go and do things whenever I'd much rather be singing. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Seharia."
"So you're an Apprentice Harper then, right?" You inquire, hoping to make more conversation. This at least means that you won't have to go back and change glows if you keep on talking to this girl. Besides, she doesn't seem too terribly bad.
"I wish," Seharia replies glumly. "I mean, I always did want to be Apprenticed, but I've lived at the dragonhealer crafthall for as long as I can remember, so I was Apprenticed there." She sighs deeply, stroking Tekka's head. "Of course, I do love healing dragons, you know, because it is wonderful just to put numbweed on their wounds and see them so happy. But I would rather be singing."
"Sing away, then," You urge, but Seharia shakes her head adamantly. "Why not?"
Seharia laughs. "Because I don't sing words, that's why. I sing... notes. I just hum. Or I make up my own songs that don't make any sense whatsoever, and you wouldn't exactly want to hear them." Her light blue eyes twinkle humorously. "Trust me, you really don't. They're about...." She trails off. "Oh, shards, they're about a Candidate at Dragon Soul Weyr." Seharia suddenly blushes deeply, and tries to hide her face by pretending to sneeze. "Just some guy that was Searched."
"Who?" You encourage. "C'm on, tell me who." You smile at her broadly. "At least tell me how you met him."
Seharia's face shows relief at your last scentence. "All right then, I shall tell you, and you won't be able to figure out who it is from that. I met him at a gather, when he was singing, as well. He was a Harper Apprentice, and we eventually got to talking about how fun it is to sing and all of that. Later he was Searched for Dragon Soul Weyr, although he hasn't left to go yet. And I will not tell you any more, so don't even bother to ask."
You can tell from her tone that she is not joking in the least, so you nod, smiling at her embaressed reaction to everything. "All right then, I won't pry anything else from you. Thanks for speaking to me; I'm trying to dodge firestone shoveling by taking glows to all of the Candidates and Weyrlings. See you later, maybe!"
Seharia just smiles, and calls back, "You'll never find out who he is!"