
Mailstra leads you proudly back towards the ledge where a tiny brown dragon (tiny in comparance to other browns) rests, his head on his front legs, and his eyes closed.
"This is Stonith!" She says happily.  At that, the brown dragon stirs slightly, opening up one of his many faceted eyes and turning to look at you.
Hello, it's you again.  I spoke to you before, did I not? Stonith asks, and you simply nod, smiling. 
"Yes, Stonith, we did speak before.  It's nice to see you in person," You say, smiling hopefully at Mailstra.  She returns the smile; you weren't rude to the brown.  Clearing your throat softly, you say, "I'm rather sorry, but I have to go and finish taking notes from other weyrlings."
"Oh, that's all right," Mailstra says, giving Stonith's eyeridge one last scracth before turning back to
her weyr.

Name: Stonith
Species: Dragon
Age: Adult
Color: Brown
Appearance: A light brown, and very tiny in size, probably as big as most larger blues.  He has one dark wing, his left, and a very confidant way of walking.  Looks like he's in charge, and a very powerful, lithe little brown.
Personality: Self-assured, but kind, he has a tendancy to eaven out Mailstra's snappy side and calm her down when he needs it.  Very loving of his rider, Stonith sometimes wonders why she might think that she is strange for Impressing a brown.  He also can't understand why the boys who Impressed blues don't always like him or Mailstra, due to the fact that she was a girl and Impressed the brown.  Bears a grudge to any dragon or person that comments on his size.

